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Starting up the World Eaters, again


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So, first off... while making this account I was asked a challenge question to prove I was not a bot. The question asked me who sits on the Golden Throne and when I said the false Emperor I was told my answer was incorrect... so I'm a little confused :P


Anyway, I played World Eaters when this book first came out and had very little success. Even now I decided to return to Chaos with a Noise Marine themed army... I know, I know... but, upon entering this site, before I got to the Slaanesh forum I decided to take a detour here and have been saved! Praise Khorne!


Alright, I read a post about 3 Land Raiders with 30 zerkers (including Khârn). That seems interesting. Are there any (other) reliable ways of getting your zerkers into melee? I've tried using the dreadclaws and Huron to infiltrate. I have a Land Raider but normally used it for my terminators, I'm thinking zerkers may be better though, I'm not sure.


Could I get some advice to start off with? I will definitely take Khârn the betrayer.

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Great to here you've stayed the course....the blood god demands constant tribute. Unfortunatly zerkers are teh HARDEST thing in 40k to deliver to combat because everyone knows they wreck face in will blow them away. That being said, yes a land raider is the best way to deliver em. I understand that you have termies, but these lil buggers dont need the raider. One thing a pure khorne army needs is a boat load of distractors. People usually do this in the form of juggerlord with bikes/spawn, maulers, big bike units, ect. Fast things that get in your opponents face quick and force tough decisions. This allows the time needed to get your zerks and khorne marines to grips. Terminators excell and deepstriking and making the enemy unable to ignore them.  Rhinos are an ok substitute if you plan for a turn 3 overwhelming charge. I usually run 2 squads of 10 khorne marines or zerks in rhinos 12 and smoke turn 1, 6 and jump (by this time i've picked my targets) and turn 3 pounce. In the mean time my harassment units have hopefully whittled/distracted the enemy (they are usually all dead, but thats thier lot). Hope this helps, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!

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