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what colour should a FT Sanguinary priest be?


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Oops! Forgot what a sang priest was... Thought they were chaplains! So sorry. Here is a legit priest.




(Note: I didn't paint these-- They are from the internet)


So you get the point. Gotta have that white for an apothecary and it looks good with the red.

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Yep The rest of my guys are khorne/gore red / black so think those colours should fit nicely white helm/ back pack (maybe) Kinda glad as wasn't really wanting a pure white one would make him a target ;-)


Thanks for that sir

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Yep The rest of my guys are khorne/gore red / black so think those colours should fit nicely white helm/ back pack (maybe) Kinda glad as wasn't really wanting a pure white one would make him a target ;-)

Thanks for that sir

No problem! And yeah I'd just do the helmet (if he has one) and the highlights white. No need to go overboard on that. Make sure his gauntlets white at least and if he has a chain sword or bolter I'd do those as well.

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The sanguinary priest on the official artwork from Blood in the Machine has white armour with black helm, shoulders and backpack. That's how I will paint mine, but I think red/black with white details looks awesome too.


Concerning wargear: If he is on foot you should use Corbulo(amazing). If not, give him an axe or a fist to utilize his WS5.

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The sanguinary priest on the official artwork from Blood in the Machine has white armour with black helm, shoulders and backpack. That's how I will paint mine, but I think red/black with white details looks awesome too.


Concerning wargear: If he is on foot you shoulod use Corbulo(amazing). If not, give him an axe or a fist to utilize his WS5.

I did used to give him an axe. But then it's easy to kill him in a challenge now he will be staying at the rear of the squad where's serg can accept a challenge with an axe I know I'm missing out on ws5 but I'd rather keep him alive as long as poss corbulo is great but to much points
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use a sergeant without gear (or give him a lightning claw/power sword if you reeeally want him to stand a chance in challenges), then give the priest the axe. Until both sergeant and priest dies you will have 3 ws5 ap2 attacks instead of 3 ws4 ap2 which you will lose as soon as sergeant gets challenged by something with ap3

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+++ Predatory Assault 1500 (lib) (1500pts) +++


+ HQ + (115pts)


* Librarian (115pts)

Shield of Sanguinius, The Sanguine Sword

* Power Armour (15pts)




+ Elites + (80pts)


* Sanguinary Priests (80pts)

* Sanguinary Priest (80pts)

* Power Armour (30pts)

Power Weapon (15pts)

Bolt pistol



+ Troops + (900pts)


* Assault Squad (180pts)

4x Assault Marines (72pts), Meltagun (10pts)

* Razorback (55pts)

Twin Linked Assault Cannon (35pts)

* Veteran Sergeant (43pts)

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon (15pts)

Melta Bombs (5pts)




* Assault Squad (180pts)

4x Assault Marines (72pts), Meltagun (10pts)

* Razorback (55pts)

Twin Linked Assault Cannon (35pts)

* Veteran Sergeant (43pts)

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon (15pts)

Melta Bombs (5pts)


* Death Company (310pts)

6x Bolt Pistol, 4x Bolter, 6x Chainsword, 10x Death Company Marine (200pts), 4x Power Sword (60pts), Rhino (50pts)



* Tactical Squad (230pts)

Meltagun (5pts), Multi Melta, Rhino (50pts), 9x Tactical Marine (144pts)

* Veteran Sergeant (31pts)

Bolter, Chainsword, Melta Bombs (5pts)



+ Fast Attack + (405pts)


* Baal Predator (115pts)

Flamestorm Cannon



* Baal Predator (145pts)

Heavy Bolters (30pts), Twin Linked Assault Cannon



* Baal Predator (145pts)

Heavy Bolters (30pts), Twin Linked Assault



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The SP does not want to stay up front so the melta pistol is kind of a waste. Getting within 6" will be tricky enough and the 3" melta range will almost never happen. Stick an axe on him instead and keep him out the challenge "bubble" so he can pile in and hit at initiative 1.  The same could be said for your librarian, he's too fragile to be at the front.


The assault sergeant riding the razor will do better with a melta pistol. Alternatively just give him a melta bomb.


Too many power swords in the DC. You'll want at least one hammer or fist and one axe.

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The SP does not want to stay up front so the melta pistol is kind of a waste. Getting within 6" will be tricky enough and the 3" melta range will almost never happen. Stick an axe on him instead and keep him out the challenge "bubble" so he can pile in and hit at initiative 1. The same could be said for your librarian, he's too fragile to be at the front.

Ok will adjust (didn't really want to give sang anything but pistol really)

What should I give Libby?


The assault sergeant riding the razor will do better with a melta pistol. Alternatively just give him a melta bomb.

Ok (that's what they had before) axe, MB's, BP


Too many power swords in the DC. You'll want at least one hammer or fist and one axe

Actually it's two axes two swords it just doesn't distinguish between them on the app .

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+ HQ + (115pts)


* Librarian (115pts)

Shield of Sanguinius, The Sanguine Sword

* Power Armour (15pts)




+ Elites + (80pts)


* Sanguinary Priests (80pts)

* Sanguinary Priest (80pts)

* Power Armour (30pts)

Power Weapon (15pts)

Bolt pistol


Where are you getting this power armour = 15 points thing? All the models already come with power armour, and there is no option to purchase it!

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+ HQ + (115pts)


* Librarian (115pts)

Shield of Sanguinius, The Sanguine Sword

* Power Armour (15pts)




+ Elites + (80pts)


* Sanguinary Priests (80pts)

* Sanguinary Priest (80pts)

* Power Armour (30pts)

Power Weapon (15pts)

Bolt pistol

Where are you getting this power armour = 15 points thing? All the models already come with power armour, and there is no option to purchase it!

Yeh it's on battle scribe I don't think it actually adds the points it's more a breakdown it gives it as an option as well as terninater armour

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