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Nurgle HQ....which one?


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Well fellow grandchildren of filth i have a large game coming up (2k in a fairly competative setting) and i need your opinions on a 2nd hq. The 1st will be typhus. He's money and i almost always bring him in this monobuild style list. The rest consists of 2 termy units (one combi plas one combi melt) a flail brute i call ole rusty, couple of zombie blobs,  couple of plague units in rhino's (one plas one melt) nurg bikes, one unit of nurg blits, a defiler i can citizen snips, and some other armour. I figured context is important for my advice request.


Typhus goes in a termi unit, and i want the second HQ to go in the other termi unit....both of which deepstrike. So i query would a sorc or a choas lord in termi armour benifit more. Both have merits....which should i choose?

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I'd seriously consider taking a Sorcerer in terminator armor. If you forgo the Mark (Heresy) he can take three spells from one of the appropriate rules book lores... And he can still join units with MoN . Mounting him on a bike could work too.
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well ive tried both loadouts and so far im liking both, but the results have been mixed. The lord drops with the melta unit of termies and pops a tank and is usually around to swing into combat later in the game. The sorc drops and does the same but ive been running 1 nurgle and 2 bio powers (for the blight gendades alone its worth the mark) and by the time he can start buffing the unit is depleted. Either way people usually pick the other termy squad with typhus and plasma-nators dropping in to priority target go figure teehee.gif

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