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I know there are some of you waiting for this Primarch to be released! Well wait not more: Lorgar Aurelian is finally here!!



I love the pose personally. It's very cold and has an almost brooding atmosphere to it. This will be my first FW purchase of 2014 without a doubt!!


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That's what I thought as well, I always figured he'd looked rather youthful, y'know around his mid 30's. But... he looks the same age as Kor Phaeron, he looks a little like the Inquisitor Eisenhorn model in the face.


The body looks brilliant though. I'm hoping the age is just the paintjob again.

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The only thing i'm waiting from FW is a cool Chaos book, with updated rules for Dreadclaws, new land raiders variants and new special characters.


I don't care a bout the primarchs quite frankly...


They appearantly don't like Chaos...so you'll be waiting for quite some time.  We're orks in power armor.  End of.

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why does he look like he's 85 years old?

I agree, i thought he would look much younger aswell. It could be representing how he appeared after his censor by the emperor...

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Been a while Rhaps.


Got to love the amount of detail on all the Primarch's to date. And I wouldn't say Lorgar looks old. More, wise and has seen a few things that others daren't.

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Hey Forte!! I saw you around these parts, the allure of chaos is potent indeed!!


I will be purchasing Fulgrim and Lorgar first because they fit the armies I am currently working on. Eventually I would like to own all of them. Can I afford that?? Hell no!!


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I'm not liking the model.  The face looks old, and the pose, for some reason, makes it look like he has a gut.  The other thing I don't like is the backpack.  Every other primarch gets a cool cloak or, in the case of Ferrus, the swiss army servo pack.  Lorgar, for some reason, got himself a scaled up bog standard power armor backpack.

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yeah i have to say there are details i like (the mace, the book in shoulder) but everything else seems to be sort of a scaled up after thought. It looks as old as or older than Kor Phearon, who was ancient compared to the Lorgar. Might be the paint but every primarch "feels" the part except for this one

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I love it... he looks the age I imagined. I like the pose, the sense of thoughtful brooding.


The only thing I thought I'd see more of (although difficult to convey) is a sense of the head tattoos something like Mike Tyson's freaky eye thing. (That Tyson tattoo MUST be chaos related. ;) )

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I love it... he looks the age I imagined. I like the pose, the sense of thoughtful brooding.


The only thing I thought I'd see more of (although difficult to convey) is a sense of the head tattoos something like Mike Tyson's freaky eye thing. (That Tyson tattoo MUST be chaos related. ;) )

I think that's more up to the individual painter since there's supposed to be so many they make his skin golden.
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The backpack is supposed to be like one of the old marks of power armor.  He does not wear the most modern mark.  There is a good video from the sculptor talking about why he made the decisions that he did.  Mainly, Lorgar is more of a philosopher than a warrior, so he is meant to be more contemplative.  Which is also why he is not in an action pose, like Angron or Fulgrim.  


I agree he looks old, but as a Word Bearer, I am going to have to get my Primarch to guide my army.  But I personally like the model, other than the head.  

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Personally, I'd rather see FW release the Primarchs from Betrayal that are still lacking models, before releasing the next batch. Horus and Mortarion should be released before Kurze and Vulkan, and those two should then be released before any from Book 3.

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