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Escalation Double Force Org Fun


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Looking through "Escalation," due to the fact that we as the fallen from the "light of the Imperium" can take anything the Imperials may use. Double Force Orginization would alloy for two Baneblades showing the trophies of our kills would not be uninspired. I think this due to the fact that myself and many of my Nostraman brothers do not fight fair.

Any thoughts?

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First of all baneblades aren't that good . Second of all they don't seem to be an option for us , at least not in the book . third with the eldar titan in the book , the game is rather one sides. those who can take it are in a much better position the others. And fourth which may not be important to all , the chaos super heavy kind of a sucks .

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Using imperial stuff is for apocalypse only.  We don't even get chaos thunderchickens in escalation - which is a shame, as they're among the few superheavies that stand a chance against the redonculous four D plates eldar titan.


Be sure to bring your Be'lakor to games against eldar, so you can at least drag them down with you.


In general, though, 40k is just coocoo for cocoa puffs right now, like end of days WCW.

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Using imperial stuff is for apocalypse only.  We don't even get chaos thunderchickens in escalation - which is a shame, as they're among the few superheavies that stand a chance against the redonculous four D plates eldar titan.


Be sure to bring your Be'lakor to games against eldar, so you can at least drag them down with you.


In general, though, 40k is just coocoo for cocoa puffs right now, like end of days WCW.


I remember those days of the WCW.

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Mods, please don't ban me for what I do next. I will not post points values.


Escalation expansion, page 35, final sentence: "In the case of the Imperium, Forces of Chaos and Eldar & Dark Eldar Lord of War units, armies from more than one codex have access to them."


This sentence means that if an army had access to it in Apoc, and it falls under the catch-all definition of "Lord of War," it is allowable still. So the idea of using double force org at 2000 points to put in minimal troops and a HQ so that you could feasibly take like two stormlords.

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Can you quote the full paragraph for context, please? From just the sentence, it could easily be referring to the 'possibility' of LoW stating they are fieldable by muliple forces, such as the eldar titan, rather than granting free access to anything between those factions whether they explicitly say they are available or not.
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Can you quote the full paragraph for context, please? From just the sentence, it could easily be referring to the 'possibility' of LoW stating they are fieldable by muliple forces, such as the eldar titan, rather than granting free access to anything between those factions whether they explicitly say they are available or not.



The introduction to each of these sections introduces how the army or faction it represents fields Lords of War, and what role they play on the battlefield. Certain Lords of War units are only available to armies with primary detachments chosen from a particular codex – a Stompa may only be taken from an army whose primary detachment is selected from Codex: Orks, for example – and these introductions also specify which codexes the primary detachment must come from in order to access the datasheets in that section. In the case of the Imperium, Forces of Chaos and Eldar & Dark Eldar Lords of War units, armies chosen from more than one codex have access to them.


So, it looks like the second bold text is a general rule, with the first bold text being specified exceptions. That's my initial parsing of it.


EDIT: However, after looking through each section in Escalation, they ALL say that they are limited to Primary Detachments. I'm guessing that the general ability to take a Lord of War as stated will be included in datasheets yet to come.


EDIT #2: OR, they could just be talking about the fact that multiple space marine codices can take Thunderhawks, Eldar and Dark Eldar can take the Revenant, and both CSM and Daemons can take a Lord of Skulls. Probably this.

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The Lords of War are not limited to only the ones mentioned in the book. As long as it uses the descriptor of "super-heavy..." or "gargantuan..." then it is useable. With proper points value. Just no formations out of the Apoc book.


I would like amend my previous idea, it does in print say the tanks are ONLY allowable by IG.

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The Lords of War are not limited to only the ones mentioned in the book. As long as it uses the descriptor of "super-heavy..." or "gargantuan..." then it is useable. With proper points value. Just no formations out of the Apoc book.


Where does it say that datasheets not represented in the book are fair game?


I had heard a rumour that the new IA book makes mention of 40k Lords of War (as opposed to just "Apocalypse Only" vs "40k Approved") but I don't know if that's true. Can anyone comment on that?


EDIT: The Thunderhawk rules in IA Aeronautica and C:Escalation have different point values and wordings. Minor differences, but still differences. It suggests to me that there are "40k versions" of formerly "Apocalypse Only" models.


Either that, or they're just keeping the tradition of never printing the same rules for a FW model twice...

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Just because a unit is super heavy or gargantuan does not make it a 'lord of war'. There will be more lords of war in future books, maybe even in future codeces if the idea catches on instead of going over like a lead balloon (which is what i expect given how inappropriate the D weapon rules are in regular 40k, and how flagrantly the eldar titan displays that inappropriateness).


In any event, if rumors are to be believed, FW will be releasing a pdf making several of their products legal as lords of war soon enough. Chaos should at least get the thunder chicken and brass scorpion (though there's no guessing whether we'll get the IA:A version or the Pandorax version). Daemons will get the exhaulted greaters. Those with converted or scratch built APO super heavies, like the plaguereaper or tower of skulls, will likely be out of luck, unless they can convince their frinds to toss them a bone.


That's assuming anybody plays escalation at all, though. They really dropped the ball by not fixing the d weapon rules for regular 40k. I'd be happy to play against a stompa or baneblade or even a lord of skulls (d not being quite so problematic in melee) in a regular 40k game of sufficient size, but the eldar titan? Or a dual turbo laser warhound if FW okays it in the supposedly forthcoming pdf? No. Thats not even a game anymore, and I rather expect the community will throw the baby out with the bathwater so to speak by rejecting lords of war entirely.


But who knows? I'm one of the few chaos players who actually likes the goofy epic-throwback lord of skulls, so if escalation does catch on maybe I'll finally have the excuse I need to pick one up.

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