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Khorne army with sorcerers. Taboo?

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Fluff and character of an army no longer appear to be praiseworthy traits. All that seems to matter is the ability to curb-stomp your opponent as quickly as possible.


When you have a chaos army led by a daemon prince of tzeentch, supported by plague marines (who should be hated by tzeentch) & 3 mechanical dragons that "used to be" aircraft, fluff goes right out of the window.


To answer your question: A sorcerer in a khorne army is not more effective that a sorcerer is any other chaos army.

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I though myself about this.


But still using in the most Fluff friendly way.


Don't Mark the Sorceror, and give him Biomancy powers, tada!, you have yourselfs a World Eaters, Psyco-Surgeon, use the Fabius bill model, replace the head and the arms with more Khorney friendly head and arms and there you have it.


Or you can go the tribal route, like a Skull Chaman/Priest, buy him the Spell Familar, use a little grotesque looking deamon model, with a offering bowl-ish looking thing filled with Skulls.


The Chaman pray to Khorne to bath his followers in his Powers and benedictions, and to rain its Wrath on their ennemies, and thus he collect skulls of the vanquished to imbue them with Warp power, then throws them at the ennemy when using its Powers, or giving them has Talismans and Tokens of Khorne Power to their CHampions.

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The way I see it, the whole idea that Khorne worshippers can't possibly be allied with psykers is an outdated concept. They would shun psykers and suppress any psychic abilities they themselves might have, but I see no problem in a Khorne Lord accepting (though not necessarily liking) a sorcerer's services if it leads them to more bloodshed.


I have a sorcerer in my World Eaters force - a Black Legionnaire who had failed Abaddon in a mission. Rather than killing the sorcerer, Abby exiled him and put him under the charge of my WE Lord, who was instructed to keep the sorcerer in constant fear of his life, but not to take it...yet. This has been a constant strain on the WE Lord's leadership, since he has to actively prevent his berzerkers from tearing the sorcerer apart.


There's another sorcerer in my force that is actually a cultist leader (who uses sorcerer rules). He's a daemonancer who is not directly attached to my WE army, but instead he leads cults hidden on Imperial worlds and summons Daemons to do his bidding. Eventually, this usually leads to an all-out Chaos invasion and he melts back into the shadows.


Hope that helps give some ideas.

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here is a pick with what i did.


My 2 WE Apothicaries( or Blood Surgeons)




Used the pieces of Fabius pack on the 2 Models to maximise it.


Had to use a dremel tool to get rid of Fabius silly head and replace it with a more appropriate head.

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Nice slayer,


Personally I think Khorne would probably not care as long as the blood flowed and they weren't for slaanesh. Skulls etc are what he's after a little help from another god to pound something into dust? I think it works just fine. Khorne lord might have to have a who's thing is bigger contest first but he might just hire the guy. A sort of I give you all the knowledge artefacts etc we find you buff my guys and let me kill more. Those that did care would probably not be all that reliable anyway, think racing towards Leman Russ with barrel pointed right at his head. If he makes it awesome most probably though he'll be mincemeat.

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Khorne hates psykers because he hates cowards, so he might appreciate a sorcerer who uses his powers to prevent the enemy to run away or even forces them to charge (out of cover). Since he doesn't care about whether the skull comes from a worthy opponent or a hapless civilian anymore, he shouldn't care either if the sorcerer makes his allies harvest skulls better either.

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Can a sorcer in a khorne army be helpful?


I know it's not fluffy. Can it be good?


It's perfectly fluffy, and has been since forever, so I wouldn't worry about it. Do the World Eaters have sorcerers? Well, no. Would warbands with Khorne markings work with sorcerers? Of course they would. Those sorcerers might guide their ships, scry the future in the entrails of the fallen, or use their powers on the battlefield. A Mark isn't something as simple or silly as "I worship Khorne now, I can't talk to anyone who worships another god." A lot of the time, Marks have nothing to do worship at all. The god marks you as someone he's watching. That doesn't have to have anything to do with religion or faith. You might not even know.


Some Khorne warbands will despise all sorcerers and prize their skulls above all others, using Possessed to guide their ships instead. Some Khorne warbands will despise sorcerers but work with them out of necessity. Some Khorne warbands will be aware enough to see that ultimately it's all just Warp energy (gods, daemons, psychic power, all the same stuff), and sorcerers deserve no more hatred than anyone else. Some Khorne warbands will be allied perfectly well to Thousand Son covens, or Tzeentch-Marked renegade Chapters, or warbands with other leanings, intentions, and powers. Maybe they'll betray them in time, or stay in tense alliances for millennia. 


Nuances! Doubt! Shades of grey rule the day. Not everything is black and white. In fact, in 40K, absolutely nothing is black and white. Tension between characters bearing different Marks is one thing - and it's awesome. But saying they simply couldn't work together, ever, is (to put it diplomatically) sailing some way wide of the mark.

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Gotta agree with ADB here. I see it sort of as Chaos Lord of Khorne notices a sorcerer does excellent work and makes his marines into better slobbering raving lunatics than without him. So he offers up to this Tzeentch Sorcerer I will let you have whatever artifacts you want from our victories etc if you beef up my guys and use your mojo to help me. This of course is all done with the full intent of betraying or cutting him loose later when he gets to big for his britches. But at the moment the guy is useful so why not use him?

Another line of thought is maybe the Sorcerer is slowly and evilly influencing the Lord over time. I mean its not really tough I would think. Khorne Lord (Kill maim burn isn't Shakespeare) so influencing him probably wouldn't be as difficult as some of the other things a Sorcerer needs to do. A Squad of Thousand Sons would actually be rather perfect for attaching I would think. No blood to or anyway to bother or be bothered by Khorne minions so the berzerkers can go nuts and all the Rhubric's do is sit there like a sleep mode robot waiting for the Sorcerer to power them on.


So if you gave it a wee bit of story I think you could pretty much make any of them fit together.


My Crimson Slaughter will be mostly Khorne with a Sorcerer joining and "helping out" with a Mark of Tzeentch squad joining him and as I get more Tzeentch set up I will probably do a dual army.



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I intend to use a 'blood mage' sort of Khorne sorcerer.  You can use the legal spells in-game with a sorcerer, and fluff it up by simply saying it's boons Khorne is granting through his chosen disciple.  Rename the spells, same effect, and you can find some nifty Khornate reasons to use any of them.  Keeps an army fluffy without losing out on magic (which can be fun!).

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