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Nurgle marked Black Legion


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I have just started painting up some of the above and have shown their allegance by painting one shoulder pad green along with the occasional helmet or backpack nozels,but my question is this, what markings should I put on the green pad?

BL chaos star,nurgle fly or trio symbol? I am at a crossroads as to what to do with them....ideas?

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well sir that depends on how "inducted" your troopers are. if tehy are allied (ie scared into submission) they could retain former iconography or hybrid a new one, but if in the legion proper Abby would make em keep the legion sigil. That being said a little extra rust/brown or green wash/puss goes a long way if your just looking for nurgly legionares. If you want a new symbol i think maybe abby's eye in a triple triangle form could be cool :) hope that helps, good luck!

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I would go w eye on one shoulder (the left) and nurgle trio on other . It certainly a personal preference thing tho

oh, I'd put the nurgle symbol on the green pad, and the BL symbol on the black pad, . I'd still go w BL on left shoulder (legion 1st) and nurgle on rt shoulder, but if you already have them painted up the other way it really doesn't matter that much.

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