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Other Chaos Gods?

Lord Kallozar

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hi all,


it is said that in the warp there are many chaos deities/gods but the only ones which are ever mentioned are the big 4 - khorne, slaanesh, tzeentch and nurgle. Malice/Malal also has been referenced too. but what about the other chaos gods?? does anyone know of other chaos gods that officially exist?



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I don't know about chaos gods, but aren't gork and mork supposed to be gods in the warp?


There is also Khaine which I believe I've read is like an aspect of Khorne.

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There were two others, I don't recall their names. In a nutshell, they were the God of Atheism and Foiled Plans. They worked out about as well as the concept. WHFB had the Horned God of the Skaven. And there is a Horned God mentioned in FW's Badab War fluff with the Exorcists, but that was a daemon prince with Night Lord followers. Personally I found that little tidbit hilarious because aeons ago, I had been told by whoever handled their Facebook page that part of making Periclitor a Word Bearer was the fact the Night Lords weren't overly religious.


Khaine is his own entity. He and Khorne just draw water from the same well so to speak.

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does anyone know of other chaos gods that officially exist?

Does the Emperor count? ;)
So what you're saying is, the Imperium of Man is actually the Imperium of Chaos and the Emperor is Alpharius Malal Malice? Which would make the Sons of Malice the only true Loyalists?


Oh. My Curze. That makes so much sense.

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does anyone know of other chaos gods that officially exist?

Does the Emperor count? ;)
So what you're saying is, the Imperium of Man is actually the Imperium of Chaos and the Emperor is Alpharius Malal Malice? Which would make the Sons of Malice the only true Loyalists?


Oh. My Curze. That makes so much sense.

Malal connected to the Imperium. Not the Tau.

Kol, are you even trying?


To clarify what I already posted, you could consider the Big Four to be Galactic Gods, while various lesser beings of the Warp are more Planetary Gods, though many have spheres of influence that stretch beyond just one world. Daemon Princes, for instance, have worlds within the Warp that are literally shaped by their will. Then you got spirits like Samus, who are ingrained in local religions. Or . . . I think Yngethal? who is portrayed as just a mere Daemon, but speaks as if it has always existed and has been worshiped as a god by humanity and countless other races.


In the sense of the Judeo-Christian God, only the Big 4 and the God-Emperor really compare. But the Warp is rife with pantheon after pantheon of deities, not unlike the Greco-Roman Gods.


I'm not speaking of the Gods of other species because the title question was specific to Chaos Gods.

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The Tau get that atheist god. Because they don't believe in Chaos and spread a religion of no belief.


The Imperium gets Malal because even when they did not believe in gods, they still actively fought against Chaos. They underestimated it, but still fought it.


See, I'm capable of thinking. Now I just need to learn to count past two. That comes after five right?

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There were two others, I don't recall their names. In a nutshell, they were the God of Atheism and Foiled Plans. They worked out about as well as the concept. WHFB had the Horned God of the Skaven. And there is a Horned God mentioned in FW's Badab War fluff with the Exorcists, but that was a daemon prince with Night Lord followers. Personally I found that little tidbit hilarious because aeons ago, I had been told by whoever handled their Facebook page that part of making Periclitor a Word Bearer was the fact the Night Lords weren't overly religious.


Khaine is his own entity. He and Khorne just draw water from the same well so to speak.

Necoho and Zuvassin respectively.


Gods of paradoxes. It pleases them.

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Hmmm.... its a bit of a shame that no other minor chaos gods have really been mentioned, was thinking it would be cool to start up a chaos force that worshipped one of the lesser known entities instead of the big 4. could have been really unique.


There's nothing stopping you from doing exactly this.  Create your own lesser entity/god and go from there! :D

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"the lesser gods Mor'ckk , An'syl, and phraz-etar - honored by csm's adorning themselves w spikes and horns " C:csm ed. 3.0 , maybe in C:csm 3.5 as well , I can't remember. So that's perfect for ya. I surprised no one told you about these 3 already


EDIT : oh, it just got put in chaos forum, that's why.

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I think that the average Daemon Prince would easily classify as a god on his own on many planets and in many cultures across the galaxy, same can be said for incredible champions of the likes of Abaddon and Ahriman. Technically speaking (if this is even possible with Chaos) the warp is rife with a myriad of gods, lesser entities and manifestations. You have have the god of Ambition, the goddess of Thirst, the spirit of Vengeance or even the god of Nightmares... every form of the human and xeno psyche manifests itself in the Warp and slowly this small manifestation coalesce and thus create a Warp entity that could be called a god, or at least a chaos god. The Four only absorbed so much more power and manifestations that they have become impressive beings but I presume that all races have gods of their own and all can qualify as a chaos god.


Said so you can create your very own god and be perfectly legit about it in regards of the established fluff. For example the God of Vengeance could be an entity that coalesced for the collective desire for vengeance, righteous or not, a sentiment common in many races and in many cultures thus it can be a perfectly valid chaos god, a minor entity, but still a Warp god. 

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ok im torn between the three official lesser gods (thanks to chillin) or legitimately creating my own minor warp god (thanks to tenebris)


ok, so I have a few questions about the three lesser official gods - mor'ckk, an'syl and phraz-etar.

so it is stated that chaos marines honour these three by adorning their armour in spikes and horns..... all chaos marines have spikes and horns! So does that mean that ALL chaos marines honour these three OR does it mean that those marines that do honour these gods cover themselves in more horns and spikes than others?


also, do you guys reckon that its possible to worship one of those gods separately or does it appear that these three come as a package to worship? because the text sounds as if those three come as a package and cannot be worshipped separately??

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Chaos my friend, Chaos... everything is perfectly viable and according to fluff. You name it and it is legit. Want to worship one god, good, want to worship a pantheon, it is good too, you do not care for anything of this holy crap... you are perfectly fine, no one will force you to believe anything at all (but stay away from those Word Bearer chaps, they will beat their lessons unto you via Crozius on your helmet). Overall Chaos is the nature of competition, aggression and emotion, you have three gods, well than all three will vie for power among themselves and try to win followers, preferably converts from the religion of the other two gods, their souls are most tasty, those are betrayer souls. 


An act of veneration for Chaos is a rather metaphysical concept, it can be a skull taken, a spit on the floor, the reading of a book or simply staring in all those shiny lights above you, there is no direct need to prostate your marines before your gods, yet if they will follow their teachings and enact certain rituals they would in time gain their dark favor. Know that in time those spikes on your armor will obtain an aura in the Warp, they would be focal points for your faith, same can be said for other marks of faith, everything gets a silver of resonance in the Warp so every single act, if you think that shows as veneration, surely acts as such in the Warp... 


Understand that religion in Chaos is not religion as we intend it in the modern sense of the word but it is more like an aura, a resonance in the warp, you act as your god would expect you to do and act following by act you will show your veneration to it. If your display of veneration is strong enough, hence sends a stronger ripple across the Warp, you will be rewarded, or cursed if it is not sufficient enough. Chaos worship is a very proactive thing, it is a thing of symbols, words and action rather than praises and kneeling before stone idols.

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No they are not a package deal, you can do one of them on its own. Yeah, all csm's have horns and spikes. Your over thinking it , the 3 minor gods I mentioned were just in the little bit of fluff describing "spikey bits" (used to be an up-grade that gave a csm champ a reroll in hth (back when chaos actually had stuff)) , the names are actually spoofs of the names of 3 sci fi authors that obviously had fans at GW. But it does give you some actual old fluff to base you army's fluff off of . Use one of those or make up your own god, which ever you think would be cooler.

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