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Other Chaos Gods?

Lord Kallozar

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There are definitely a lot of implications in the fluff of minor powers, even if they aren't named outright.


My daemon fluff is a little rusty (hah!), but if I remember correctly there is a demonic forge responsible for the creation of daemonic machines (Soul Forge?) that is not aligned to any of the powers.


You'd assume that someone is operating that thing - maybe Hashut?

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omg , the chaos dwarves ! talk about the way back machine ! Do they even do chaos dwarves anymore ? (been well over a decade since I player WHFB or even kept up with it) . An ooolllld friend of mine used to play chaos dwarves back when you had to guess the range for their earth shaker battle cannons, he was a master carpenter , he would guess with in a 1/4 of an inch , and drop it dead in the center of your unit every time laugh.png

what a cool army chaos dwarves were !

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