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Some BA artwork (sanguinius anyone?)


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So I posted elsewhere (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/284223-conceptssanguinius-heresy-project-artwork/) A piece of art meant to be a pitch-piece for a Project.

I was told you guys in this forum might like it, so why not post some more of the images here, perhaps you might like them smile.png

If you want to see the rest of the images (there are a few more) then check my blog out:


If you are interested in the project thes are for (I am definately not in charge or involved more then some random art) then check here:


I posted the version with the classic sword in the other topic, so I'll post my personal favourite here- the Wavy Sword:


And I'll post one of the concepts for the Marines also, let's pick the Terminator armour:


Hopefully this is worth some inspiration for you.


Studio Colrouphobia has a blog:


Studio Colrouphobia has a FB-page:


David Sondered has a deviantart account:


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Thank you.

You guys should really keep an eye out for tis project as it will involve more Blood Angels, and so would be interesting, even if it is just for the eyecandy in the shape of Art.

5Everyone has their own mind, and weµther or not you find the story behind the project good or not, there is bound to come more onceptart and illustrations out of it ;) )

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