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Imperial Propaganda


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I got a surge of inspiration a few weeks ago and made these. I'm a little unsure about them now - I feel perhaps 'Terra' would have been better than 'The Imperium', but at the time I decided to go with what sounded realistic rather than what was the closest match to the original.

But heyho! I've lost the inspiration now and can't be bothered to change it. If you're not British then these images will probably help you out a bit.

'Your Courage' and 'Britain shall not burn'.






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Hah. The time shows. I spent twenty minutes on the first - and most of that was finding the right sort of fonts. The other one took me two hours on a Sunday afternoon. 


I considered doing a Kitchener-style poster, but wasn't sure where I'd get the pointing Imperial Guardsman from. Not that I looked too hard. I was pretty keen on doing a few 'This man is your FRIEND - He fights for THE EMPEROR' posters for the regiments though. Those wouldn't be hard.

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I don't know if would consider them motivational posters as much as I would call them propaganda. That would be my criticism. Otherwise, they look great. I can think of plenty of iconic images that would make for interesting imperial propaganda posters. Any plans to do more?


Is there a difference between the two in the eyes of the Imperium?

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Oops. You're right, that'd be the correct term. Edited for you. If the mood strikes me I'll make more! I'm avoiding the computer save on weekends at the moment, so I don't have a lot of time to do them. Any my Blood Angels are begging for paint.

blackoption, on 12 Dec 2013 - 21:40, said:

Is there a difference between the two in the eyes of the Imperium?

No, and I imagine a Commissar standing next to these posters and telling people that if they're not motivated they'll be shot. But the title is mine, not his. msn-wink.gif
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BloodSaint (original founder of the B&C) was really big into propaganda art. In fact a lot of the old B&C artwork was very "in the style".

Including our first T-shirt logo:



For those of us who were mere Aspirants and not yet inducted into the ranks of the battle-brothers when this was a T-shirt, do you reckon there's any chance of getting another run done? ;) I would love to own one of these...I think, possibly, my only alteration would be to switch out the last head for a Terminator helm. Shows the progression from Novice, to Battle-Brother, to a living legend of the Chapter quite nicely.

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For those of us who were mere Aspirants and not yet inducted into the ranks of the battle-brothers when this was a T-shirt, do you reckon there's any chance of getting another run done? msn-wink.gif I would love to own one of these...I think, possibly, my only alteration would be to switch out the last head for a Terminator helm. Shows the progression from Novice, to Battle-Brother, to a living legend of the Chapter quite nicely.

Sadly the original art work was lost long ago. We *might* still have it on our old CafePress site, I'll check. If not I could possibly get BloodSaint to do another one -- no promises there.

EDIT: Yep, just checked, don't have it anymore.

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For those of us who were mere Aspirants and not yet inducted into the ranks of the battle-brothers when this was a T-shirt, do you reckon there's any chance of getting another run done? msn-wink.gif I would love to own one of these...I think, possibly, my only alteration would be to switch out the last head for a Terminator helm. Shows the progression from Novice, to Battle-Brother, to a living legend of the Chapter quite nicely.

Sadly the original art work was lost long ago. We *might* still have it on our old CafePress site, I'll check. If not I could possibly get BloodSaint to do another one -- no promises there.

EDIT: Yep, just checked, don't have it anymore.

If you thought it might be possible to commission a revamped version, I'll be your first customer ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are some posters I did for a terrain project. It goes without saying that I own none of the artwork, of course:






(a true classic, that last one msn-wink.gif )

And another design on one of my terrain pieces:


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