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mono khorne tourney advice


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well im having trouble deciding between a couple of lists for an upcoming 1750 tourney. It's a toys for tots donation tournament and i just cant resist. Im not exactly going for uber comp cheese list just something that fun and competative. I love theme lists and im debating between a TDA typhus/nurgle list and my little Mono khorne flakes list. So i was wondering what you, the devotees of the blood god think.


Khârn (of course)


Juggerlord (with all the trimming, axe included)


2x MMhelbrute w/ Hflamer


9X zerkers w/ power maul,mbomb,1chain axe


5x spawn




Vindi w/havoc launcher, siege shield


Pred 3x Las Cannon


Land Raider w/ combi melt, dirge caster, dozer blade


2x 13 cultists (in reserve for objective gettin)


If i run this list in the tournament i plan on doing some reports so your preemptive feedback is always appreciated :)

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Its a nice Fluff/fun list, not many things to say about it.


I always wondered about the use of Cultist personnaly, has i don't like them, maybe because i remember them from the days of ChapApp where for each 4 models you could have meltas and plasma in it, but yeah Old geezer stories...


Now what i find odd is the powermaul on the Champ..., while a +2 S is nice, AP4, isn't gonna help him that much Vs MeQ, because Champions are forced into Challenges, and even if the champ does'nt survive the Challenge, you should make sure that your opponent Sergeant or equivalant, does'nt survive either, thus a AP3 weapon is always better.


And i personnaly Prefere Bikes to accompany the Lord then Spawns, its a 5 squad of 3+ T5 models, with the Icon to reroll Assault range and FC on the Lord, plus you can't really say no to 2 additional special weapons.


A 5 bikes squad with LC champ, Icon and 2 Meltas is in the 180pts range, can't remember if this also count in VotLW though...


But it is a personnal preference, Spawns are efficient enough to give your adversaries some trouble.

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