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Using the FW Chapter Tactics for Khorne


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I don't know if anyone saw this but for the FW chapter tactics it shows the space sharks as having pretty much Khorne rules for SM. I was thinking why not just make a Khorne army using those rules and count as Space Sharks but be World Eaters. I mean you could even do preheresy if you want to.


If know one knows the rules they are free to download at the FW website, but they give Tac Squad CCW and Bolt Pistols and if the squad kills a unit they get rage special rule. They also cause fear.


I was thinking of just making a themed SM army using the FW rules. My Khorne army anyways has 2 Storm Eagles so I need FW rules to be allowed anyways plus I can just count them as Chaos Ravens.

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Heck, Space Sharks give you access to pretty much everything Chaos without any drawback.  You don't have daemon princes, spawn, Helbrutes and megazords, but if you don't use/want those things, you get Loyalist Obliterators, Loyalist Mutilators, better dreds, better apostals, better Warp Smiths, access to new-hotness Grav weapons, Ubergrit Tac squads, BP/CCW tac squads, ATSKNF, Drop Pods, Good Landraiders, and the Storm Raven.


I've given it some thought.  I may wait give Gee-Dub a few more months to come correct with a Khorne Supplement.  I don't really want a loyalist army (unless I make a Grey Knight army-I wanted to do them first back in the day but my friends suggested Tau instead because they were all metal back then)

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Yea thats what I was looking at, what would be the point of if they make the Khorne Supplement good but atleast there's a fall back if needed to. But heck if you're like me you already have a ton of Chaos stuff to make a fully count as army without buy extra models. I mean I have 250 painted berzerkers. I could easily hack some of them and add the grav gun. I also got some dreadclaws I could use as DP. Just some minor tweaking I could.


Though I always wanted to do a Heresy list for World Eaters that I could play in 40k terms and I think this might be the way I will go.

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