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Chaos Dataslate Detachments


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Greetings, I think it is high time that we have a topic of our own about the Dataslates. The formations are the new hit and are here to stay so why not brainstorm a little or a lot... Post here your ideas for the Dataslate Formations for team Chaos.


Let's start with two of mine:


Despoiler Squad:


20 Chaos Space Marines

- Veterans of the Long War

- Extra Close Combat Weapons


Special Rules: Fearless, Reaver


Reaver: The model with this rule can make Precision Shots...


(Truth be told I playtested this one in a game, it is solid and with bolters in double tap range can be very effective, it worked surprisingly well since I have allocated the wounds from Precise Shots to enemy characters, by that removing the pains of a forced challenge)



Cult of ....


1-3 Cultists Squads

Dark Apostle


Special Rules: Meatshield, Fearless


Meatshield: The Chaos Space Marines use their cultists in many gruesome ways, soaking enemy fire is just one of them. Every model from the Chaos Space Marines Codex, gains a 4+ cover save if it or its unit is located behind the cultists squads...



Edited for clarification.

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Once more into the breach:


Machina Infernalis:






Special rules: Machine Kindred, Unholy Code


Machine Kindred: the Fiends are a part of an unholy pact with twin daemons, Both warp engines share some insight of their daemonic nature and they are bonded to the Warpsmith by pacts unknown and dire. The Forgefiend gets +1 BS, the Maulerfied +1 WS and the Warpsmith a +1 inv save as long as the Warpsmith is alive. 


Unholy Code: The IWnD effect gains a +1 bonus to the rolls.

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Fireblood Knights.


1 Chaos Lord, the Lord must have the mark of Khorne and a Juggernaut.


2 Chaos Space marines bikes squadrons of minimum 5 members, they must have the MoK, they can exchange their bikes with Juggernauts for +15pts per model.


 Devastating charge; models of this formation makes 1D3 Hammer of Wrath hits(roll once for the same unit, and apply the result to the whole unit), resolved with a S6.


 Head first in the fray; models of the formation has the Prefered ennemy rule

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Our Codex Is A Piece of ****: if a player playing loyalist space marines complains about the Heldrake or anything CSM have that they don't, you may flip the table and rant to them about how our codex is terribad. You also automatically win the game, and and any subsequent games against that player.

Requirements: a Chaos Space Marine model.

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A cool thing for the cultist squads would be in Chaos Space marines could openly fire into close combats where cultists were locked with enemy troops.  They would confer a 5+ coversave and any losses in cultists would sway towards combat victory.


Also, Cultits have Without Number rule.

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So with these dataslates, you would be able to field a army specific list? So maybe something like...


Night Lords


Take a warlord with a jump pack which could make raptors a troop choice? Or warlord on bike to do the same thing? But not taking any kind of marks to do this.


Give up 2 heavy choices to do this, kinda like in the old rules for Night Lords.

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I'd like to see dataslate formations incorporated into the core game going forward.  Not quite as they're currently implemented - as formations outside of the force org chart - but instead maybe as a particular set of bonus rules applied if you buy all the elements of the formation with your normal slots and field them together.


Anyway, I don't think we'll be seeing any official ones for chaos for a while.

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What is the most likely is that with GW policy of not doing rules if there is no models for it, to avoid Third party companies to make profits of unavailable models( like it was for a long time during 4th and 5th).


They will use the dataslates to provide rules for stuff that will get models but in second waves of models or something.


Also like i allready said in another post, when codex Nids comes out there will be 2 dataslates available, one for Nids with Lictors and stuff and one for Sm Ultramarines with Cassius abd his elite troops of NIds killers.


I think it is a good proof, that there will be more dataslates, after all if there is rules, people will buy the models, and vice versa.


Now maybe the day they will decide that after one, two or three years after release of the codex, we can finaly have Chosen, Dread and cultist kits, we will see dataslates with particular formations.

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Here's my attempt;


Word Bearers Host:


1 Dark Apostle


2+ Chaos Space Marines (veterans of the Long War)


The whole Host is fearless.




I second being able to shoot in cultist melee, but if dark eldar can't do it... Only Skaven can do it in Fantasy. Dark Elves, Daemons, no one else can.


(The side of Evulz can shoot in melee in LotR though.)

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Sacrificial Rite


1 Dark Apostle (must take a Mark of Chaos)

10-35 Cultists (are only armed with close combat weapons)


Dark Apostle and Cultists count as one unit.


We Offer Ourselves to the Glory of Chaos: At the beginning of every round, d6 Cultists are removed from the table. The Dark Apostle makes a Leadership test and, if successful, immediately rolls on the table below for the results of the sacrifice.


The Eyes of the Gods Are Upon You: If the Dark Apostle rolls a double 6 result while testing for the Sacrifice, immediately make a Toughness test. If the Toughness test is passed, no further results beyond the failure of the Sacrifice this turn. If the Toughness test is failed, the Dark Apostle becomes a Chaos Spawn of the same alignment as the Dark Apostle.


1 - Sacrifice is unworthy; the gods are fickle and cruel

2 - Lesser Daemons appear and replace the number of Cultists that were sacrificed, of the same alignment as the Dark Apostle

3 - Dark Apostle gets a Sd6+3 APd3+2 R48" Large Blast Heavy 1 weapon to use in the Shooting Phase

4 - Chaos Spawn appear and replace the number of Cultists that were sacrificed, bearing the same Mark of Chaos as the Dark Apostle

5 - Dark Apostle gets a Sd6+3 APd3+2 R48" Small Blast Heavy d6 weapon to use in the Shooting Phase

6 - A Greater Daemon appears, of the same alignment as the Dark Apostle. The remaining Cultists are immediately removed from the table; the Sacrificial Rite is completed with the successful summoning of the Greater Daemon.


"Lesser Daemons"

MoK - Bloodletters

MoN - Plague Bearers

MoT - Pink Horrors

MoS - Daemonettes


"Greater Daemons"

MoK - Bloodthirster

MoN - Great Unclean One

MoT - Lord of Change

MoS - Keeper of Secrets


EDIT: Changed Chaos Sorcerer to Dark Apostle

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"Sorcerer has MoK"?


I think you'd want to define how this detachment can get daemons of Khorne, because that is a correct thing to do.

Whoops! You are correct about that. How about changing him to a Dark Apostle?

Can't it be both?

Make the leader 1 Dark Apostle or 1 Chaos Sorcerer, that way there are 7 different marked leaders and people who hate one of the choices can use the other (unless they want Khornate Daemons, I admit)

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