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Returning to the game after Hiatus...Asp Sorc Question


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Where, aside from Army Builder, does it list what Disciplines other than "T"'s that Aspiring Sorcs have access to?


Army Builder says Telepathy


The printed Codex I have doesn't list any


Sorcerers, under their listed "Psyker" Rule state: Biomancy; Pyromancy; Telepathy; [god of Choice]



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Aspiring sorcerers have access to only Tzeentch.


Any psyker with MOT must take 1 power from Tzeentch.  Aspiring sorcerers get only 1 power, so they must take it from Tzeentch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took my fluffy 2000 point to a tournament recently. Supposed to be a fun local tournament but several hard hitters came. I had a couple good games against some of the current cheese ally combos.


My list:



Aegis defense line with lazcannon

3x9 rubrics in rhino with combi melta

1x9 rubric solo

2x Auto/laz predators

1 vindicator

2x hell blades (imp armour areonautica)



I held out vs tau mixed with tge





I held out vs Taul

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I held out vs tau and necron stormlord, forcing us to play longer to not get a draw (close loss on victory points)


I lost horribly to an eldar dark eldar combo (im otherwise a de player myself) simply because he went first.


I steamrolled an ork necron 4 flyer force.


We are resiliant. Even if our psychic options suck.

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Good to read that you had a good time at the tournament. There are usually a few hard hitters that show up for our local, fun tournaments in Sarasota. It is definitely a good test for any army.

Thousand Sons are a decent army, any can perform very well against most opponents. I personally like to ally mine with Tzeentch daemons ( you have seen this army, since I was at Dark Side last Thursday.)

Even without daemon allies, they can do very well. Ahriman can be surprisingly effective. :)

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I used to be one of those heavy hitters too. then work says i cannot be off on Saturday so I can't do the tournament circuit anymore. It was nice to just get to play again...I'd been out since February. I finally had the army painted after about 3 years. Its nice to see how effective they were, especially against the power lists...my opponents were quite surprised. Especially the eldar who had to spend a full round of nearly his entire army shooting at an outflanked ahriman and rubric squad....and didn't kill them all.



It is nice to be back


Its nice ti

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