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Noob shooting phase question

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Hey guys,


So I'm pretty much a complete noob having only played a few games and have a question about the shooting phase. So, if your opponent has models with different weapons, you CAN target a specific troop, right? Like if you have a troop with a plasma rifle and one with a bolt gun you could try to take out the plasma first? The only reason I ask is because some war games I've played assume that a soldier in the unit would pick up the fallers equipment to maximize combat efficiency (e.g. A space marine would pick up his brothers plasma rifle since it's more effective than his bolter.) Im Sure this is an inane question that is super obvious but I just thought I'd ask to clarify. I just wasn't sure because I know your unit has to all shoot at the same enemy unit but I'm not sure if you can specify which actual soldier is shooting another specific soldier.

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The answers you seek are on page 15 of the rule book (allocating wounds in shooting) and page 63 (precision shots).


But for a quick explanation, it's unit vs unit.  You get to choose which order the shots are resolved in (for instance, all your bolter shots first, or all your plasma shots first, or your missile launcher shots first, etc) but you do not get to allocate each shot individually.  The models in the target unit are removed/take their saves starting with the ones closest to the firing unit.  If you get a to-hit roll of 6 with a sergeant or anyone with the Character unit type, then that counts as a precision shot - in which case, you do get to choose the specific model that is hit.

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It used to be that way in previous editions (versions) of the game.  The explanation from GW was that these soldiers are trained to use their unit's weapons and therefore a soldier would intelligently pick up a better weapon like a powersword or a missile launcher from a fallen battle brother.  Now, they're morons who have no idea how to use any weapons other than the ones that are glued to their hands.  It's frustrating but not necessarily that difficult to manage.


The strategy now is to "protect" your better weapons in how you setup your units and how you move them or deploy them.  For example, in a 5-man squad with a Heavy Weapon (Lascannon, Plasma Cannon, Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter, etc) you place him towards the back with two guys on his left and right to maximize his protection.  Or in a close combat style unit, you put the weapon that swings at initiative (like a Power Sword) on your captain because in a challenge you want to swing at initiative when possible (unless you have a 2+ save with a 3++ storm shield).  Then you put your Initiative 1 weapon, like a power fist or power axe on one of your standard tac marines because he can't be challenged and you want him to survive until he can use his weapon at initiative 1.


Another thing to remember regarding how models die in shooting, is that you want to be slightly careful when assaulting from a long distance.  If you use assault weapons like Storm Bolters, flamers, or any type of pistol (especially plasma/grav), if you kill models when you shoot, they always die from the front, which will lengthen the distance you need to assault once they are removed.  Then if you lose a model or two from overwatch, the distance becomes even greater.  Sometimes it's better to just assault without shooting if you really need to get into close combat.  An example would be that you're out in the open and can be shot to pieces by a powerful shooting unit/vehicle/MC, but if you assault the squad near by, you can no longer be targeted and potentially safer when tied up in close combat.  (It's not that common, just something to think about when it comes to shooting)

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>>these soldiers are trained to use their unit's weapons and therefore a soldier would intelligently pick up a better weapon like a powersword or a missile launcher from a fallen battle brother. 

Maybe it's because it's also silly a marine can pick up another's laser cannon...Unless GW spend another like 10 pages telling you what can be picked and what can not, it's better telling you what is gone is gone, or people will just arguing about this all the time.

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Personally, I liked 5th edition's "You can allocate the wounds on your squad how you want, but everyone must have one before anyone gets a second - and remove whole models where possible."  It was impossible to wholly protect your guys with special weapons, but there was some strategy (and luck) to it, and it was pretty fast to roll saves so long as you had a few colors of dice on hand.  I'm not normally a big fan of RNG, but I did like how the system represented the fact that no one in a battle was safe, and even the important guys could bite it early.  The cheese only came in when you had big units of dissimilarly equipped multi-wound models (IE, nob bikers).  6th edition's "Closest First" rule can really slow down things down with complex units/shooting, as well as just make things a little finnicky with making sure you're always pulling closest-first, but it does introduce an element of positional play in how you move your squads, and provides some tangible benefit for outmaneuvering someone and shooting them from an unexpected angle.


If I was making the rules for casualty allocation and taking saves, it would probably be fifth edition rules with the addition of precision shots.  It was just faster and easier to understand.

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