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Stronghold assault and Tsons


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Got my copy of stronghold assault and I can see alot of cool options to help out our rubrics on the field.  Also, tons of conversion opportunities; I'm so going to make a void generator that is just 3 sorcerer marines with their arms out like kine shield stance on a raised platform.  I even got the belkor dataslate and am really tempted to run him with my Tsons for the awesomeness that is telepathy.  Run that along with a sorc on disk and biomancy powers and we got some really hard hitters, invis rubrics, and puppet master galore.


For those who have the book(s), what would you want to run with you Tsons?  Conversion ideas included!

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Use a fantasy tower on a flight stand with the rules for one of the necron floaty thingies?


I cannot see GW releasing a magic shiny flying castle (as much as I'd like one) that only one faction of one army can use, meaning it probably won't get rules either.

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You could always make one and run it with the greater brass scorpion rules.   I always figured that some of the Korne stuff just seemed to fit in as a sorc/psyker super unit i.e. 2++ against psykic powers, etc.  Wouldn't a super caster/magic user easily be able to counter the effects of lesser cantrips.

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