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2 questions, Go to ground, and CAestus,


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hi Brothers,  i have  2 questions :


1) if a unit goes to ground, does still controls the objective? ( if it is no can you tell me page of rulebook? )


2) caestus Multimelta large blast  18'' if its centre is in 9'' and the radius of the blast hits a tank  outside the 9''does he gets the extrad6 for melta ? or it means blast inside 9''?


Thx looking forward for replies!

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1.) I dont see a rule saying they don't, i'd be inclined to say otherwise but maybe I'm still stuck in fith edition.


2.) The rule for melta weapons states "Ranged weapons with this special rule roll an additional d6 when rolling to penetrate a vehicles armour at half its maximum range or less", this means the intended target has to be within half the weapons range to roll 2d6 for penetration, so in your example no the tank would only get to roll 1d6 and not 2. But this does mean that you can place the template over 9" and melt tanks under 9".

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