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Night Lords?


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Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about the Night Lords getting a supplement? The question comes from the pic of the Night Lord raptors new on Forge Worlds web site. It has been a long time since I've played chaos but when I did, it was always Night Lords. Thanks for any info.

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Those are for the Horus Heresy series from Forge World. Their rules are in Massacre and really show the Night Lords way of fighting for once with out the 'just use Raptors' cop out due to the Terror Squads. Wouldn't hold your breath on GW getting it right for 40k anytime soon if the latest books are anything to go by they are more bothered about selling rubbish bundle boxes.
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Sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news on that one. There's nothing stopping you using those minis as normal Raptors in 40k though. Seen as they are the original Raptors anyway :tu:
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I had a big NL army long ago and wish I still had it. I started buying a little to start up again, starting with raptors. This time I'm just going for paint colors, not the upgrade kits, pretty much keep with cheap. Dark blue/lightning, nuff said.  Winged helmets are nice but just not cost effective.

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The old GW winged helms look silly personally. Especially when you look at the Forge World Night Raptor helms. I prefer terror markings anyway so no need for the helms. Couldn't resist the FW shoulders though.
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forte, on 14 Dec 2013 - 07:45, said:

Wouldn't hold your breath on GW getting it right for 40k anytime soon if the latest books are anything to go by they are more bothered about selling rubbish bundle boxes.

Two things:


1) a potential NL supplement would be a while off.


2) The bundle boxes are actually pretty good value, compared to other GW sets like battleforces.

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