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>If you are running a 6man MoS melta squad with a LC/ PF lord, do you go for CM/LC or CM/Power axe for the champ?

Personally I go for the LC, since with only 1 wound there is too big a chance the champ will die before striking a blow if not hitting at initiative. Plus I prefer the look smile.png
Both very valid points too. Cheers.

Yeah spending the points on making the guy I5, only to totally negate that by giving him a PF doesnt make any sense.

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  • 1 year later...

Stupid question here, but reading the Codex I'm wondering : Can Raptors take Special weapons without swapping either the bolt pistol or the CCW ? From what I can read, it's either they replace the Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol, either they take an extra Special Weapon.


Or am I mistaken here ?

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Not stupid at all, but they can indeed take a special weapon without trading for one of their other weapons. Nice for a small two melta squad to retain their extra CCW attack afterwards, even if it wont move any mountains.

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I'm pretty sure; "Up to two Raptors may replace their bolt pistol with  a plasma pistol.......Or take one of the following".
You can either swap two pistols for a plasma pistol, or just take two special weapons, no swapping but still max two, and exclusive so no plasma pistols+special weapons.

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