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Advice on starting a death guard army!


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So next year I shall be starting a death guard army. I'm planning to start with about 20 plague marines and 10 terminators as a base. I'm planning to use all the FW bits available.


My question is:


Whats the cheapest way to do it, as I need base sets for all the FW goodies.


Thanks in advance!

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If you're using FW bits, it's already not going to be the cheapest!


Bear in mind, you'll still need legs, arms, weapons and backpacks - as a minimum, in addition to however you want to base them. Understandably, second hand will be the best way to facilitate that - but really, it's up to you!

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I also took this project on, I chose to go with 7's and picked up three sets, giving me two spare for special weapon choice. I purchased two chaos marine boxes, additional legs online as well as fists for sergs and power swords as plague knives. Think I must have picked up some backpacks online too, but had spare special weapons. For the two packs of termis I had to buy a box then as bits, combi meltas and axes and legs.


In doing it again I would consider buying the extra boxes for legs, packs, arms etc, but special weapons would still be a pain. Legs are pricey, special weapons more so, legs as bits cost half the price of a box. Thankfully chaos shoulder pads make for good sternguard pads. Even the good ten legs and sets of ten arms and weapons on eBay add up together as near the price of the Box from the discount retailers. Just find a good source for spec weapons.

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Thanks for the advice guys, looks like i'll get whole box sets and sell the remaining parts on ebay!


Another question for you, what other companies do nurgle style stuff that could stand in for GW bits? I'm trying my best not to buy anything GW.

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Spellcrow, yes that's one of the companies that I've seen some nice nurgle styled bits made - there is a thread around here where someone has used them combined with GW and FW nurgle marines to make up an army.  They blend in nicely - Plague Legions is their title, pricey per leg as an example, but they do all the needed bits and gives a great look with FW if you can't find bit sellers or make up your mind about FW.  Personally I liked the FW style, just wish I knew about these legs :)

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