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Warlords of the Dark Millennium Champions of Chaos


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Hey All,
The 16th addition to the 2013 Digital Advent Calendar is Warlords of the Dark Millennium Champions of Chaos.
This eBook collects together all six current Chaos Space Marine installments in the series and also adds a new one with Khârn.



Among the champions of the Dark Gods there are some names that carry with them a long and terrible history of blood and death. Abbadon the Despoiler, Lucius the Eternal, Typhus the Herald of Nurgle, Ahriman, Huron Blackheart, Fabius Bile and Khârn the Betrayer are counted among these, their names a curse upon the lips of those that have crossed their path. Almost every vile deed committed by the forces of Chaos since the Horus Heresy can be laid at their feet. They are the generals, warlords and champions of the Traitor Legions, and they will not be sated until the Imperium is no more. 

Warlords of the Dark Millennium Champions of Chaos brings together the exciting backgrounds of the most notorious champions of the Dark Gods. 
About This Series:
The galaxy burns with the fires of countless wars and conflicts, heroes and villains leading their armies in endless battle against their foes. Warlords of the Dark Millennium explores the history, wargear and fighting styles of some of the galaxy’s most powerful warriors.
December 2013 •
eBook available in Mobi and ePub Format. Compatible with Android, Kindle and iBooks devices.

• ISBN 9781782534433





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Chaos have the true mortal hardcases of 40k FACT.


Atleast compared to the loyalists.


So many still alive from the heresy. Who do the loyalists have exactly?

Not Their Primarchs!!

Ha Ha! Hi-5!


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Chaos have the true mortal hardcases of 40k FACT.


Atleast compared to the loyalists.


So many still alive from the heresy. Who do the loyalists have exactly?

Not Their Primarchs!!

Ha Ha! Hi-5!


Haha YEAH!! *Goes to high five Night Lords player* 

...Oh wait

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I get the top dudes thing + they have models . But those 4 are suppose to do the most to the loyalist in10k years. either they mastered the mistical ability of multi location or all other chaos dudes are realy busy with themselfs and xeno races. Which maybe makes sense, with us following the codex astartas and all .



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Chaos have the true mortal hardcases of 40k FACT.


Atleast compared to the loyalists.


So many still alive from the heresy. Who do the loyalists have exactly?

Not Their Primarchs!!

Ha Ha! Hi-5!


Haha YEAH!! *Goes to high five Night Lords player* 

...Oh wait


I'd high-five an Alpha Legion player, but I'd either be left hanging or pummelled to death with high-fives from everyone sporting a hydra emblem.

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I am a simple soul and I like simple things, things like a well placed bolt round in the head of every Space Wolf out there. Sadly the so called "Champions of Chaos" failed to deliver a simple thing as that. I do not care in the slightest for the "larger plan", pile up loyalist bodies long enough and you will find Terra soon very close... but alas we are doomed to be killed by every single grot scout and his chainsword in order to prove how heroic are the loyalist marines, how dire the odds were against them... 


... when in the end everything that we of Chaos ask is a simple bolt in the head of every loyalist out there... and we could not care more for the so called "big plan"... dead loyalists are good enough for us, and it seems for our dark gods too... 


So to hell with the Champions of Chaos, when everything delivered are mere pyrrhic victories...or truth be told phallic victories for the loyalist space marines. 

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Chaos have the true mortal hardcases of 40k FACT.


Atleast compared to the loyalists.


So many still alive from the heresy. Who do the loyalists have exactly?

Bjorn the Fell Handed says hi.

One dred....... What a win

We need more? Ask Magnus what one dread can do.

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Chaos have the true mortal hardcases of 40k FACT.

Atleast compared to the loyalists.

So many still alive from the heresy. Who do the loyalists have exactly?

Not Their Primarchs!!

Ha Ha! Hi-5!


Haha YEAH!! *Goes to high five Night Lords player*

...Oh wait

I'd high-five an Alpha Legion player, but I'd either be left hanging or pummelled to death with high-fives from everyone sporting a hydra emblem.

Well Played, Good Sir. Well played teehee.gif

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Chaos have the true mortal hardcases of 40k FACT.


Atleast compared to the loyalists.


So many still alive from the heresy. Who do the loyalists have exactly?

Bjorn the Fell Handed says hi.

One dred....... What a win

We need more? Ask Magnus what one dread can do.


One dred backed by plot armor and dubious writing.  That whole bit was both cool, and a prime example of why the Primarchs shouldn't be brought out to play.

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Chaos have the true mortal hardcases of 40k FACT.


Atleast compared to the loyalists.


So many still alive from the heresy. Who do the loyalists have exactly?

Bjorn the Fell Handed says hi.

One dred....... What a win

We need more? Ask Magnus what one dread can do.


One dred backed by plot armor and dubious writing.  That whole bit was both cool, and a prime example of why the Primarchs shouldn't be brought out to play.

Also remember that it wasn't just Bjorn vs. Magnus...It was magnus vs. Bjorn, Greyloc, their Great Wolf (I dont recall his name at the moment), and roughly an entire company of Space Wolf forces as well, plus their human auxillary forces as well. 


Plus Magnus didn't die, he was only banished whereas Bjorn almost died, the other Wolf Lords were both murdered and every other wolf died. So Magnus can just come back later and repeat the entire process. 

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No reason.  Magnus had already achieved his goal.  He had destroyed the Wolves' future, just as they had destroyed his legion's future.  Even better, the Wolves actually think that they won the encounter.


The final confrontation between Magnus and the various Named Characters that were defending the upper reaches of the Fang didn't work for me.  There were too many sections where Magnus literally didn't do anything but stand there and get shot in the face with plasma cannons, and, even worse, manage to get surprised and put off balance by various attacking Named Characters.


I liked the book, and I even liked the final battle; but the situation was constrained by the need to have Magnus get beaten, but not too badly (he needs to kick ass up to the lab, but no further), and with only the limited forces on hand.  Probably would have worked better with a Named Character blowing themselves up with some handwavium device in the lab.  Extra irony since it'd be them achieving Magnus' goal for him even as they get rid of him.

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I took a lot of Magnus' inaction as being due to how taxing it is for him to exist outside the warp.

He was essentially consuming his host from the inside out and holding his body together through sheer will power alone.

It took a lot of concentration for him just be, let alone fight.

Plus, getting attacked by a bunch of angry Space Wolves would be enough to break anyone's concentration!

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Eh, I usually hold that if your audience needs to assume facts not in evidence in order to buy into an event then there's been a bit of a communication breakdown.  It doesn't have to be explicitly stated or anything, but there needs to be something more than the reader thinking that X doesn't make sense, then having to come up with some reasons as to why it does make sense.

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Deamon primarch of tzeentch thwarted by 100 space wolves some humans and a dred.....

Almost on par with a certain deamon primarch of nurgle getting heart stomped by a single grey knight....

Or a deamon primarch of khorne being banished by 100 grey knights...



The precident is set for bad writing so everyone out there with 1000 marine chapter can end all the chaos primarchs in a single fight and still have marines alive at the end

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I took a lot of Magnus' inaction as being due to how taxing it is for him to exist outside the warp.

He was essentially consuming his host from the inside out and holding his body together through sheer will power alone.

It took a lot of concentration for him just be, let alone fight.

Plus, getting attacked by a bunch of angry Space Wolves would be enough to break anyone's concentration!


and the whole hiding the wolf brothers away spell on that planet (forget what it was called) would of drained him

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