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Warlords of the Dark Millennium Champions of Chaos


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Let's not stoop to comparing characters, shall we gentlemen?


Concerning the matter of our Primarchs, let us look at it for a moment. The Primarchs, long before the corroding touch of Chaos were the very pinnacle of war itself. None could stand against them and few can challenge them. But chaos is a cruel a fickle thing and for all the power it may bring you, that power comes with a price. Control is no longer yours and now you are a puppet to apathetic gods who care nothing for destroying the Imperium, no matter what their servants may crave.


What we see in each of the Daemon Primarchs, despite all their power, despite all their prowess. Each and everyone of them utterly lacks the will to continue on.


When we look to Primarchs like Perturabo and Lorgar, they have all but secluded themselves upon ttheir own world. Lorgar never leaves and from what we know, Perturabo rarely does either.


When we look to Angron, all we see is just another blind beast of Khorne. He may be far more powerful than even the Bloodthirsters, but he cares only to make the blood flow and little more. Kill kill kill. There is no rhyme, no reason, no point. Just so long as the Blood flows. Angron is defeated by 100 Grey Knights in terminator Armour because he is perhaps the strongest of the Daemon Primarchs. He is also the only one with any real will to fight, but that will is not his own.


I cannot say much in the way of Magnus, but once again I feel he lacks any will to truly fight. Even still, he is only felled by Born, the greatest champion of the Space Wolves Chapter, and a fairly substantial force of wolves.


Mortarion.... Mortarion is a very strange and touchy subject. In a way, he's little better than Lorgar. He remains mostly on Barabus, his own world that the name alone shows he lacks the will to move on from the past. But he has been shown to be at least marginally active. His defeat at the hands of Drago, and I will get some flak for this, but it's honestly not something I have that big of a problem with. Consider what AD-B has said a few times, particularly in defense of Aurelian where he defeats the Unbound. It's about the heat of the moment, that single moment driven by passion and will 5th at will lead an average man to complete great feats beyond what he would naturally be capable of. Despite the poor execution, Drago is among some of the greatest heroes of the Imperium. If anyone can do that, in their single greatest moment, Drago can.

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