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Blood Angels


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I'm a long time lurker on here, I've posted a few times, but never posted any pictures.


I'm not much cop at taking pictures of my models due to my camera being as old as the ark, but these pictures have came out not too bad so I thought I'd share. Hope you enjoy.



This is my rendition of Captain Sendini of the 5th Company 'Damebanes' of the Blood Angels chapter with his personal bodyguard and Company standard.


This is a standard Tactical Squad from the 5th Coy. I have a soft spot for beaky marines and old school stuff so matching Forgeworld Corvus armoured marines and an early GW rhino seemed a good match. I have tried to maych their unit insignia/rank markings with some of the older painint guides from the 1980's/90's.


A slightly converted razorback, for no other reason than I like it!


Standard Rhino with a bit of BA bling.





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If you were going 80's/90's with your corvus unit - you did a grand job !  I still have some earlier magazines, citadel catalogues, and other bits... and your orange highlighted Corvus marines with that heavy bolter and insignias hit the nail right in the middle :)  Great job!

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Thanks for the replies and kind comments.

I am hoping to get a new digital camera for chrimbo, so will take more piccies.

I have tonnes more Blood Angels, a growing Chaos SM army and large IG & Tau armies, you may like these piccies of some of my IG vehicles:


First up is a heavily converted Chimera. This is now the Company Command vehicle for my IG army commander. My IG army is very retro, all figures are the old 1980's/90's either metal (for the most part) or from the old plastic box set. At the last count I had x3 35 man infantry platoons with x6 heavy weapons squads, x6 special weapons squads, x1 veteran squad, home made Marbo & Harker. These are all built and painted with another platoon waiting to be built/painted.


These are two of my Vanquisher Squadron. They are very heavy conversions to resemble WW2 German Panther tanks.


My favourite IG vehicle in my collection, again a very heavily converted model and is the command vehicle for my Vanquisher Sqn. It is based on a WW2 German King Tiger and is commanded by 'Knights Cross Commander Von Pask' (see what I did therewink.png ).



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