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Question about Vulkan (Spoilers)

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No, recall that at the end of Vulkan Lives, his sanity was pretty much shattered. Then traveling unprotected through the realm that makes madness look as stable as a rock simply destroyed the fragments. Remember, the warp can drive people mad who are protected. Try going through it with the only thing separating you from it is your skin.

Cyrene came out fine.


... more or less ...


Although I grant you, there's not many other culprits for his breakdown between his teleport and re-rentry.

Well, at the end of Vulkan Lives our beloved Primarch was more or less sane, albeit somewhat distressed from the continuous torture and death. I daresay that the unprotected, naked, warp-jump through none other then the Ruinstorm to Macragge followed immediately by a terrible death, brutal reawakening, and the arrival of Curze shortly afterwards is what led too the overall break in Vulkan's mental state.


The torture, jump, death, Curze, all of that would have contributed, but it would take all of them together and in short succession too break the mind of The Lord of Drakes.

When has it ever been alluded to that there are Perpetuals in Malcadors gang? I must have missed that.


Damon Pryantis (the one who took Cyrene) is a loyal agent of the Cabal. So much so that he even seems to have left his humanity behind, and on various occasions shows that he has no real connection with humanity anymore.


Grammaticus was a Cabal agent, but he has turned on them to try and save humanity. Ollanius Pious was never a Cabal agent, and has been sent on a mission by his old friend Grammaticus to try and save humanity.



several audios and short stories with Malcador's inclusion.


Where is that information on Damon Pryantis from? ive read up to Vulkan lives + a bunch of short stories and audiobooks but i have not read any of the limited edition overpriced stuff yet, nor unremembered empire. Am i missing a piece of the puzzle?


if so its but a reinforcement of the irritation i feel every time BL put out a limited edition release that is more expensive than replacement limb surgery. 



When has it ever been alluded to that there are Perpetuals in Malcadors gang? I must have missed that.


Damon Pryantis (the one who took Cyrene) is a loyal agent of the Cabal. So much so that he even seems to have left his humanity behind, and on various occasions shows that he has no real connection with humanity anymore.


Grammaticus was a Cabal agent, but he has turned on them to try and save humanity. Ollanius Pious was never a Cabal agent, and has been sent on a mission by his old friend Grammaticus to try and save humanity.


several audios and short stories with Malcador's inclusion.


Where is that information on Damon Pryantis from? ive read up to Vulkan lives + a bunch of short stories and audiobooks but i have not read any of the limited edition overpriced stuff yet, nor unremembered empire. Am i missing a piece of the puzzle?


if so its but a reinforcement of the irritation i feel every time BL put out a limited edition release that is more expensive than replacement limb surgery.

It's from Unremembered Empire.


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