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Buying models for Death Guard Army and list advice

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Hello All! I am starting up a Death Guard and I would like some input on which models I should purchase. My main Army are the Space Wolves, and I really want to use Death Guard as just a Army to play in fun games. I'm still new to the hobby and not a tourney player by any stretch. 

Some how I want to try and somehow incorporate these units into a list, Typhus and a Daemon Prince (if possible) Plague Marines (and rhinos of course), a Land Raider, Heldrake (1 or 2) and zombies. 

I don't know if I'll need other heavy support choices or not, after being on the receiving end of one heldrake, I feel they are heavy support enough in and of themselves... so I don't know if I absolutely need to take something like Oblits or Havocs. I've been a bit tainted as a SW player... spoiled by the Long Fangs, so part of me feels like I'm lacking with out a devastator type unit, however I realize they do not function the same way so I wonder if I can get away with not using em.

Any advice as welcome! 


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Demon Prince - It is one monster (literally) of a HQ - especially flying Nurgle ones. You'll also have latitude converting one or buying a 3rd party model.


Obliterators - The hands down best multi-purpose anti-tank, anti-TEQ, anti-MEQ (and anti-flyer in a pinch). Some other units do specific things better but Oblits can do it all.


Plague Marines - If you also have a Nurgle Chaos Lord then they become Troops and are pretty decent at holding Objectives (though they can be expensive). Also take Rhinos with Havoc Launchers


Chaos Spawn (new 6th edition versions) - T5 (or T6 if Nurgle), multi-wound, fearless, fear, rage, multi-attack, mutations and beast which move 12 and ignores difficult terrain - makes for some effective assaults. Just keep them in cover on the approach as they have no armor. Also, latitude for conversions or buying a 3rd party model.


Nurgle Bikes - Bikes already have T5. Nurgle mark makes then T6. 3 bikes at 88 with MoN. Then pile on Melta or Flamer or CC.


Chosen - Can equip their entire squad of 5 with 4 flamers and 1 combi-flamer; or 4 plasmas and 1 combi-plasma; or 4 meltas and 1 combi-melta, etc. Which makes for some interesting though specific uses. They have MEQ armor and can get another +1T with MoN. But expensive points-wise.


Regular Space Marines / Cultists - Need these if playing low point games. Also give them Rhino + Havoc Launchers


Defiler - Battle Cannon?


Ignore Terminators, Helbrute, Mutilators, Possessed, Raptors and Warp Talons if just starting out. They are less flexible.

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Thanks for the reply guys! I was under the impression that just have an HQ with MoN = unlocking PMs as troops, is that not true? Just the Lord?


What's a good unit to run Typhus in? I was thinking he needed Termies, should I just run him with PMs?


Now that you mention it.. T6 bikers, do sound pretty nasty.. that's almost as nasty as Thunder Wolves minus the extra wound, however they do have the turbo boost save.

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Specific 'Plague Marines' are an elite choice.


Chaos Marines troops can be given the Mark of Nurgle.


If you have Typhus in a primary detachment, he unlocks Plague Marines as troop choices instead of as elites.


Mark of Nurgle doesn't give your troops blight grenades or plague knives etc, just +1 toughness and Psyker req's.


Although I like Typhus, it's a shame you can't unlock Plague Marines as troops without having him, I'm not a fan of having mass zombies in a list to make him work well, just Plague Marines for me.

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You'll find you can - see the bottom of page 93. That's the point of using a cheap Chaos Lord with the MoN - to unlock PMs as troops.


I wouldn't use Typhus as he's a big points sink. If you want him, surround him with a huge unit of Plague Zombies, and run perhaps two other similar units. You'll be playing for the draw, but you have your delivery system. More favourable than a Terminator retinue and a Land Raider.


Of Kilofix's list, I would only consider the following options really: Obliterators, Plague Marines, Spawn and Bikes - if we're looking for effectiveness.

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Chaeron - I stand totally corrected - thank you.  I am having a blank moment (shows how much I've read the Chaos Codex after I put it aside and dismissed my DG building for a bit whilst I wait for flyers to be removed :D lol nurgle turkeys just aren't my thing).

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The problem with typhus is that he lacks effective delivery systems. He's best off in a blob of 30+ zombies. Which slowly walk up field giving you maybe one round of close combat, unless your opponent thinks he can take on the blob. Putting him in termis isn't much better, more expensive and still too slow. Putting these in a land raider doesn't help either (the chaos land raider is awful and making the squad even more expensive is not optimal). 


I've had a fair amount of success with Typhus in lists with 100+ zombies, multiple helldrakes and obliterators. The lists has its up and downsides. You can lengthen your turns, thus forcing the game to end in turn 4-ish. Or you can just play fast (like i do) swarm objectives and take out opponents troops with the drakes, while taking out potential threats with your oblits. It isn't a powerhouse, but I like zombies and the typhus fluff. The problem with typhus is lack of  mobility, fairly bad spells and the init 1 on manreaper.

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How is the Chaos Land Raider that much worse than the loyalist Phobos Land Raider? I'm not too worried about having a lot of "success" as you put it.. it's just going to be what I game with for fun. 

Typhus appears to be plenty resilient as long as you keep him from getting shot at. You could probably upgrade one of the Plague Zombies to the Champion and have him take any challenges that are geared at tar pitting Typhus. 

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Btw, I just played a 2,500 point game vs Tau where I included Typhus + Zombies (amongst a whole bunch of other things).


We rolled Mission 5 (single Objective each).


The game ended after turn 5; with all Zombies dead by turn 4, Typhus with 1 wound taken and almost but not quite within range to contest the opposing objective.


I think I also had 3 Chaos Spawn, 9 Noise Marines, 8 Plague Marines, 5 Chaos Marines, a Land Raider, a Rhino, and a Deamon Prince surviving, while my opponent had 15+ Fire Warriors, 3 Battlesuits, a Stealth Suit, Shadowsun, a bunch of Drones and some Kroot. But he won with both Line Breaker, First Blood and an Objective while I only had Line Breaker and an Objective.


Lesson: Typhus and his blob draws and can absorb alot of fire - but they are soooo sloooooowww without a transport and being unable to run (because of the Zombies's SnP). Beware Str 6/7+ area effect weapons as they Instant Death bunches of Zombies denying them FnP.

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Chaeron - I stand totally corrected - thank you. I am having a blank moment (shows how much I've read the Chaos Codex after I put it aside and dismissed my DG building for a bit whilst I wait for flyers to be removed biggrin.png lol nurgle turkeys just aren't my thing).

Haha, no problem mate!

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It's funny you guys say that about Typhus, everything I have read about him... pretty much says he is the best HQ in the book and should absolutely be used all the time.


That he may be, I still really wouldn't take him except in the Plague Zombie build.

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What do you guys think are good numbers squad size for PMs? I really like the look of the models the GW has for them.. even if they are slightly expensive. I think I'll be painting my models from the Vengeance box set to be Plagued out as well. I already painted Kranon in the read, but the way I see Plague units isn't in green armor. At one point in time they all had their individually colored are that eventually became green from all of the disease and rot and stinky-nasty that the great unclean one blessed them with, so I think I'm going to bust out the dry brush on Kranon and see how nasty I can get him. I'll try and get some pics up when I can.

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  • 1 month later...

Got to say i only have a death guard army because of typhus, so heres my foc


HQ: typhus, warp smith

E: 6 mon termies with reaper and ion. 10 mon termies, 2 reapers and ion and a twin las hell brute

T: 4 X 7 man plague marine units with ion, 2 have a melta and flamer each and 2 with plasmas in rhinos and 1 x 50 zombies (undead meatshield / gophers)

F: spawn (3 currently but more are growing in the vats) and 7 X mon bikers with ion, melta and flamer  

H: 10 X havocs with 4 autocannons, LR and 9 X havocs with 2 flamer and 2 melta (warpsmith onboard)

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