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Anyone Know the name of this Vehicle ?


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Hi there,


I wonder if anyone is able to give me the name of a Vehicle we can see inside the 6th Ed rulebook.


It's a kind of Land-Raider + Giant Bassilisk Cannon + Cathedral tank.


It's the tank on the Right on this Image:




(you can find the full image at Page 4 in Stronghold Assault book too)


I'm planning to make a Conversion of this tank, but I fear the size will be hardcore big.


The front of the Tanks is clearly Land Raider shape, but it looks bigger than a Land Raider. (Need a BaneBlade-Size land Raider)


For the Cannon I plane to combine BaneBlade and other Big Cannon to make this one, but will need lot of works. (Probably I will make it 100% from scratch)




If anyone have some idea / link / know the name of it, or anything else that could help me to make this Conversion, feel free to post a comment.


Cordialy, Zyth.

It's not THAT big persay; it looks like a Chimera and guardsmen standing nearby. 


It could be a Capitol Imperialis (aka Leviathan Command Vehicle), but it looks more specifically designed as mobile artillery than a command/control vehicle.


Probably could do it with two Baneblades, some GW building bits, and plasticard.

Artillery Variant of a Leviathan chassis would be my guess.

It wouldn't be hard to do, Start with a Baneblade, work up with building parts from there. I'd go with a decent gun barrel, but not cartoonishly big.

Give Forge World a chance, it will be out in resin, some day.

wallbash.gif And I'll probably buy two...

NOT a Leviathan that I am aware of, just looks like a super-heavy artillery piece to me, not really enough space for any C3 or troop capacity with that mega-gun...


Too small to be a Leviathan - a Leviathan can carry an entire Guard company per the fluff, along with a command staff..


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