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IA WIP Adeptes Scrutari "Iron Seekers" Please comment


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Warning: I am cross geeking serveral things here, so if you hate cross geeking you are warned.


I am looking for feedback, and additional ideas for this army. I have a rough idea of what I want, but my knowledge of the 40K universe is not that great.




What do I want?
Concept: Brotherhood of Steel (Fallout Game Series)
Chapter dedicated to discovery and improvement of imperium technology.
Successor Chapter to Steel Confesssors: Adeptes Scrutari (Iron Seekers)
Heavy presece of Tech-Marines specializing in data recovery and analasys

One of things that I considered adding, was the Iron Seekers holding on to technology they found that "the imperium was not ready for". This is a hugely heretical thing, and I am not sure if it is so much so to be out of the realm of possibility. (This is the prime directive of the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout)



Work so far:



The Adeptes Scrutari is a Successor Chaper of the Steel Crusaders (Adeptes
Mechanichus). Their prime driective is to locate and recover the
Standard Construct Templates that were lost during the age of strife, as
well as find analize and destroy Xenos technology. Initiates are taken
from the ranks of the Space Marines. They specialze in speed, and rely
on hit and run, as well as infiltration. Because of their affiliation
with the Mechanum, they also field test new equipment.


Successor to Steel Confessors, dedicated to uncovering SCTs, and dealing with the dangers surrounding them.


Homeworld: Name TBD
"Its a planetoid, its probably got its own weather systems" - Mike Meyers

Deathworld - Once a hive world was decimated by an Ork WAAAGH. It is now a wasteland with pockets of high radiation, and vast ruin complexes that were once cities. The Iron Seekers have their fortress monastary here, and initiates undergo "The Seeking" trials in the many ruins of this world. Initiates are chosen from the indigenous human population of the world, people who show an aptitude for finding and repairing technology are recruited.



Cake > Pie

(More Coming)



Iron Hands > Steel Confessors >Iron Seekers

21st (cursed) founding
After the steel confessors became an independant chapter of the Adeptes
Astartes, the Mecahnum saw the opportunity to use them not only to
defend the homeworld, but also to investigate and recover SCT.



Penchant for Cybernetic enhancements
Prone to "Customize" equipment with painting and insignia <------ Someone correct me if this is not legit

Cyberphychosis: As more cybernetics are added  the bearer becomes less human, eventually succumbing to Cyberphsychosis. This is manifested in several ways, most often violent. It usually ends with the death of the inflicted. Each individual reaches phychosis at a different point.

They have a penchant for listening to heavy metal
(More Coming)



Battle Cry:
TBD "Release the Gunea Pigs of War!!"

Chapter Insignia: (yes its a shameless ripoff)





Test Marine Paint Style:



no girls. and check out the history of the Steel Confessors. The mechanicus are not allowed to have space marines and for good reason. Nothing says the chapter cant work closely with the cogboys but space marine chapters are generally autonomous. Also IG soldiers are usually too old to begin the initiation process. Space Marines initiates are usually in the age range of 10-15 when they start the process. Older candidate have trouble accepting the implants. Also you should work on the name. Its too close to the original. Field testing new equipment is fine but just be careful not to step outside the normal combat doctrines of the Astartes. They are not given certain equipment for a reason. Balance of power is a big thing for the Imperium after the Heresy.

No prob. I am working on my own chapter as well. It has taken me a lot of research to make sure I haven't crossed any lines or stepped on any toes. I actually like the insignia but that's just my opinion. But are they actual Steel Confessors or are they descended from them? The fact that the Steel Confessors are GW property makes this kind of dicey. I would suggest making them Successors, that way you don't have to worry about being overridden by any official fluff. That being said... Do they have a homeworld or are they fleet based? If they have a homeworld then you need to describe it and its inhabitants. Much of a chapter's personality comes from the planet they call home as they will draw their recruits from its populace. People who have to endure hardships, especially those who have to learn to fight at an early age, usually make good recruits. If they are fleet based then you will have to describe at least a few of their notable vessels. Battlebarges, Strike Cruisers etc. You will still have to figure out where they draw their recruits from. You mentioned that they were small. The typical Astartes Chapter is usually around 1000 brothers strong. Is there a reason why they are small? Space Marines are the Imperium's greatest warriors. I'm not sure they would take too kindly to constantly being accompanied by lowly guardsmen. Plus the Mechanicus has its own military forces which would be involved in any action they are associated with. I get their combat doctrine due to their size. Are they attempting to bring the Chapter up to normal size? What have they done? What battles have they participated in? These should come from your head and not canon. Just a few things to think about. I suggest reading octaguide 2.0. just type it into the B&C search bar. It helped me. :)


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