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Seasons Greetings from Milwaukee


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Hello everyone. You are (sorta) looking at the biggest, baddest butterfly you've ever seen. Hobby butterfly that is. I started collecting LoTR minis around age 13, a few years later I picked up fantasy, and 3 years ago I started 40k. I don't have epically large armies but a multitude of them. I flit from project to project, usually controlled by shiny new stuff syndrome. Hence the butterfly. The biggest and baddest is because I'm a big dude. Power lifter and football player. I'd tear a phone book in half for you but I don't know anyone who has one.


I've had health problems these last few years but I still get games in every once and awhile. Really want to start gaming more. I have so many lists and things I want to try. I feel I have a slight handle on tactics and list building. I hope I'm a benefit to the community!


Name is Isaac btw if you don't want to call me king

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother! Feel free to ask any questions about the board or the hobby you may have and don't forget to look at the site rules to avoid any silly faux pas later on. ;)


So, what army do you use at the moment? Imperial or Chaos (or both)?

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Right now I've got Crimson Fists running. I love them. Pedro with podding sternguard that score are seriously fun. So are heavy bolter devastators. I'm not going to lie I do have some chaos marines too. Just haven't been playing with them. The fluff is too great to not play at least a little chaos..
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