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Chillin - No.  Tyranids are a special case, in that (at least currently) their "melee weapons" aren't melee weapons, they are wargear.  As such their effects stack, but don't confer extra attacks.  You cannot use them as an example to any other army.


2 Powerfists = 2 Specialist Weapons = +1 Attack

- Unless it states "the extra attack is included in it's profile" you get the extra attack.


It is limited - it's designed to kill buildings and vehicles (especially immobile ones).  That's its purpose.  Sure it could go after a massive horde of models that can't hurt it, especially Klaw-less Orks as they can't run away so long as there are 11 or more of them, or Krak-less Guard (who you might get to run down en-masse) but that isn't really its intended purpose.

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Yes the mauler is limited, but it adds considerable threat to things that spawn just can't hurt.  Sure, I'd rather trade the spawn for bikes if I wanted to threaten those targets, but eh.  I'm not arguing the mauler is good at all.  Just not trash.


It's also good against small heavily armored infantry units like terminators - provided it has some spawn with it so that they can't gang up on it and punch it to death.


I'm not going out of my way to defend it though.  It isn't oblits, or the heldrake, or Be'lakor.

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If that klawless horde of Orks cant hurt it they come into the "we cant harm it" special rule, and with telepathy you can remove fearless (Be'Lakor). So they are forced to disengage in wich case that Maulerfiend has the chance to over run them.


Same with Gaunts.

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Another question


How does a Maulerfiend pair with a Decimator or a Defiler (whichever you prefer).


I was thinking about getting a dreadknight kit and build a Decimator out of it, less expansive money wise than the original, and a nice "small" conversion project. But might be a bit of a points sink.

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The wife has bought me one of these bad boys for Christmas. I am considering buying another and running them in a pair with some spawn to screen them. We tend to play scenery heavy boards in my area so I'm hoping my fiends can hop from cover to cover and launch a three pronged assault. I've considered using a squad of raptor's to provide mobile fire support. I'm thinking a squad of 5 with dual melta/plasma and a combi weapon.


With the new cypher formation I can see almost an entire army assaulting within 2 turns, plus a heldrake burning through the enemy army too.

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With some effort, you can convert it into something that can be magnetized as either mauler or forgefiend.  Not that the forgefiend is necessarily a better choice than the mauler, but the more options you have the more opportunities you'll have to make use of it.

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Another question


How does a Maulerfiend pair with a Decimator or a Defiler (whichever you prefer).


I was thinking about getting a dreadknight kit and build a Decimator out of it, less expansive money wise than the original, and a nice "small" conversion project. But might be a bit of a points sink.

the defiler costs too much and the decimator is better as a shoting platform[where better doesn't mean he is a good one] . If you want to take a mauler fiend you need 2 and at least 2-3 other units that engage fast. Try runing them with ally khorn dogs and herald and some bikers/flying mace DP.

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If you're going that way go for Be'lakor and a Black Mace Prince everytime. 


What in the name of khorne is "Be'lakor"?

It's the first Daemon Prince, fluffwise, and has rules released as a dataslate during december.


He's kinda nice. :)

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A resurected Deamon Prince from BAttle, who is now playable in 40k.


You can find his dataslate with rules and fluff on the GW digital site.


A Dprince with EW, Shrouded, who knows all the powers of Telepathy, as a +2S,Armorbane Sword.




Another question


How does a Maulerfiend pair with a Decimator or a Defiler (whichever you prefer).


was thinking about getting a dreadknight kit and build a Decimator out
of it, less expansive money wise than the original, and a nice "small"
conversion project. But might be a bit of a points sink.


If you want to make a Decimator, use DV box Dread with IG Sentinel Legs and use Soulgrinders big claws armor plates for the SHoulders.






Here's an exemple on how to do it for the legs.

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Another question


How does a Maulerfiend pair with a Decimator or a Defiler (whichever you prefer).


I was thinking about getting a dreadknight kit and build a Decimator out of it, less expansive money wise than the original, and a nice "small" conversion project. But might be a bit of a points sink.

the defiler costs too much and the decimator is better as a shoting platform[where better doesn't mean he is a good one] . If you want to take a mauler fiend you need 2 and at least 2-3 other units that engage fast. Try runing them with ally khorn dogs and herald and some bikers/flying mace DP.


I use both the Maulerfiend (Magmas) and / or the Decimator (2 x Seige + HFlamer) for destroying buildings and tanks. I find that DeepStriking the Decimator, works in some cases when it would be difficult to run the Mauler up. But, the issue with the Decimater (apart from DS scatter risk) is that it still needs to spend a turn shooting before it can assault.


For a shooting platform, I'd prefer the Contemptor, Forgefiend, or even just sticking to Oblits and Havocs.

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@Slayer le Boucher: already made mine using a Greyknight Dreadknight and Daemon Prince & Forgefiend left over parts. Dont have a pic of it but there is another one in the wip section. Mine is roughly the same (obviously better looking)



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Another question


How does a Maulerfiend pair with a Decimator or a Defiler (whichever you prefer).


I was thinking about getting a dreadknight kit and build a Decimator out of it, less expansive money wise than the original, and a nice "small" conversion project. But might be a bit of a points sink.

the defiler costs too much and the decimator is better as a shoting platform[where better doesn't mean he is a good one] . If you want to take a mauler fiend you need 2 and at least 2-3 other units that engage fast. Try runing them with ally khorn dogs and herald and some bikers/flying mace DP.


I use both the Maulerfiend (Magmas) and / or the Decimator (2 x Seige + HFlamer) for destroying buildings and tanks. I find that DeepStriking the Decimator, works in some cases when it would be difficult to run the Mauler up. But, the issue with the Decimater (apart from DS scatter risk) is that it still needs to spend a turn shooting before it can assault.


For a shooting platform, I'd prefer the Contemptor, Forgefiend, or even just sticking to Oblits and Havocs.

I got myself a Decimator recently and field it with MoN - It costs a fortune but it sure as hell is resilient....with Daemonic Possession / 5++ / Unholy Vigor and IWND it hasnt exploded on me once and hasnt yet been wrecked. The fact that you can now DS it also makes it quite flexible if you want to give is MoK for Rampage. I think its probably 30pts too expensive (when you factor in Marks etc.) but it sure as heck makes its points back for me considering it's lasted 6 turns in every game so far, where a Defiler of half the points(ish) rarely sees turn 4.


And it also doesnt hurt that its one of the most epic and fierce looking models Ive ever fielded....it sure is a fire magnet as many of my opponents just see this big hulking piece of metal demon - definitely helped me get an extra turn of movement out of the rest of my army while staying more in tact. It might have drawbacks if you go for the "fire calibration" weapon, but it wont die as easily as a Forgefiend...and AV13 front is nice.



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Except they're 20pts a pop on top of the 195 points for the decimator himself. Only thing the decimator has going for it is the extra 1 AV in front.

Its actually been costed as 205pts base in IA Apocalypse, but gained DeepStrike which could make it a bit more versatile

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Most of us use the 40.000 experimental rules for the Decimator anyways, why even bother with Deepstriking.


That being said, ill be giving that conversion beamer a go in an upcomming apoc battle. Ill be fielding him alongs side Be'Lakor and 4 Princes (royal court :P).

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