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A quick question regarding the Maulerfiend : Has anyone ran it with Lasher Tendrils ? The Magma Cutters are obviously a good choice, but I was thinking of using the Lasher Tendrils to neuter CC oriented Monstruous Creatures or squads with a high number of high strength weapons. (Plus as a cool conversion opportunity for a Alpha Legion Maulerfiend with Hydra Heads at the end of the tendrils ^^ ).


I feel the potential for it being a massive troll, but I was wondering if anyone ever ran one like that.

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Lasher tendrils can be a big help to negate ennemy attack power to a minimum.


The biggest problem is that the Mauler is still pretty fragile, if he gets targeted in priority, there goes your CC dampener.


Either use Malefic power with the power that gives +1 to invul saves for Deamons, or invisibility on it, or give another juicy and treathening target.


Now i'm saying this, but i managed to tarpit Nids MC's for 3 turns with a Lasherfiend and even give a few strikes( even though our rolls for attack and to wound/pen where really terrible)

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Thanks for the insights guys ! Like you seem to say, support and target saturation is key, so I'll keep that in mind when playing it ;) I only plan to run one (I like having different units) but I'll make sure to provide alternative targets and not rush him forward on his own !


I can't wait to convert it with that Hydra look :D

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At the moment I have a vindicator and two preds (auto cannon /lascannon sponson but use them as tri las) and I was thinking of maybe dropping one of them for a Maulerfiend as it's a really cool model, and as I've started running daemon allies with a lord of change running malific, and mounted rubric squads, I'm thinkign one may do okay due to the variety of other threats in my opponents face, and may be more potenant for it's points cost then a tri las predator (plus I'm fed up of the sponsons braking off).

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At the moment I have a vindicator and two preds (auto cannon /lascannon sponson but use them as tri las) and I was thinking of maybe dropping one of them for a Maulerfiend as it's a really cool model, and as I've started running daemon allies with a lord of change running malific, and mounted rubric squads, I'm thinkign one may do okay due to the variety of other threats in my opponents face, and may be more potenant for it's points cost then a tri las predator (plus I'm fed up of the sponsons braking off).


Yeah, the Maulerfiend offer a different tactical interest than the Predator. The Predator is a long ranged repositionable laser bunker while the Maulerfiend is a battering ram, litterally :p

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I love Maulers! But don't take 1, they are relatively fragile. A halfway decent shooty army can take the out 1 in a turn pretty easy, which is why I recommend at least two. I always try to take lashers if I have the points. Mamgas are most of the time a 'win more' weapon. Some many times have popped the vechile I charged with the fists before even getting a chane to use the mamgas. Maulers are a lot more durable in combat with lashers, and can really tone down things like knights, Wraithknights, other melee walkers, etc. And staying in combat is much safer in general. I like to roll with 3 :D


Maybe you guys may be able to help me with a conversion idea. I have a nurgle themed army and I'm not quite fond of how the lashers appear on the model. I'm not opposed to the tentecles necessarily, they just look weird where they are. Any ideas on how to represent a nurglrly maulerfiend giving his nearby victims -2 attacks? :)

I was thinking something along the lines of them vomiting, but I'm not convinced on that because the model looks like running to fast to do that...idk

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