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Favourite moments from recent game


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So I've been playing with Chaos quite a bit, and despite stuff, I've had an 'almost' 100% win rate with them (though I must admit I haven't played against many Tau and Eldar).

With this in mind I thought a thread about our favourite moments in our recent games would be good.


In a recent game against Tyranids flying army, I'd castled after a hasty redeployment and his flying monsters along with ravenors were rapidly reaching my position. It was the first time I'd decided to use Be'lakor and my unit of Obliterators had just been wiped from the board following my rolling 5 consecutive 1's for armour saves from shooting. Desperate to reconcile the situation, I cast Terrify on his Hive Tyrant, hoping for the best but my opponents Deny the Witch saves had been on fire. He failed this time, and despite it looking like Hammer and Anvil because of my hasty castling we were playing quarters. He failed his Ld, rolled high for his run and slowly dawned on him that the table edge was right next to the Tyrant, sullenly removing the model from the board the game had turned around from what going to be a horrible defeat to a very close fight.

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I'm embarrassed to admit it but I don't think I've ever used Terrify in a game that I can remember. But good for you. I assume you won at this point?


I'm anticipating a blood bath this weekend as me and a friend are double teaming 3700 points of Nids on a slightly oversized table. They can be nasty at that size.


I figure I better get my licks in before the new 'dex!

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It actually ended in a draw because we needed to call it early unfortunately. One Drake was late to the party and had just turned up when we called time, but I was in a good position. Terrify is situational and it's what I had left to cast, I tend not to which is what made it even more amazing. Psychic Shriek I think is better (Terrify IMO should have been on 3d6). At least until the IG get an update, Sanctioned Psyker units with Weaken Resolve coupled with a unit with Psychic Shriek is downright nasty.
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Here I am forced to test an army that my wife is suppose to paint for a friend. Pure horor build. 3 zerkers , thirster and khorn DP+mace DP as HQs , 2 mauler fiends and 10 bloodletters . mostly testing the demon stuff [are dogs+herald  better then a thirster+khorn DP . portal or grim etc] . First day of testing is boring playing against myself . Like working in a mine.



next day I had to help a friend with his army testing , so I played on 2 tables , but because playing against myself was bit boring I asked my wife to play [forgetting again how games against here look like]. The game against my friend go fast , we test eldar and eldar tau real fast . My wife comes in and decides she wants to play with the csm+demon . What follows is 4 games in which 3 wave serpents and a riptide [game 1], a seer council [game 2] for 2 turns, a unit of gravbikers with chapter master and khan in one turn of shoting and two of assault were unable to destroy a portal [game 3]. Once again I learned that testing against my wife has no sense.

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Here I am forced to test an army that my wife is suppose to paint for a friend. Pure horor build. 3 zerkers , thirster and khorn DP+mace DP as HQs , 2 mauler fiends and 10 bloodletters . mostly testing the demon stuff [are dogs+herald  better then a thirster+khorn DP . portal or grim etc] . First day of testing is boring playing against myself . Like working in a mine.



next day I had to help a friend with his army testing , so I played on 2 tables , but because playing against myself was bit boring I asked my wife to play [forgetting again how games against here look like]. The game against my friend go fast , we test eldar and eldar tau real fast . My wife comes in and decides she wants to play with the csm+demon . What follows is 4 games in which 3 wave serpents and a riptide [game 1], a seer council [game 2] for 2 turns, a unit of gravbikers with chapter master and khan in one turn of shoting and two of assault were unable to destroy a portal [game 3]. Once again I learned that testing against my wife has no sense.


id simply feel fortunate that your wife shows interest, id give anything for the ability to play against my wife even if it were a forgone conclusion. im sure you got somedata, maybe not ideal though

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