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ADB's Black Legion short on today

Xin Ceithan

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Not sure if This was already posted elsewhere but the short teased a while back is up on BL

Worth it for the description and teasing of the chars from the upcoming warmaster books

Quite fun also

Think I'll be using this as my tag: " Do you hear that screaming? The gods are coming for you, hero. They are coming for your soul"

instant classic ;)

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Can't read Ebooks. Stupid medium.

Tell us more about it ! The characters, the story, the action !


If you have a computer or phone, then you can read them.


The story is fantastic though!  Just a little vignette of some chaos marines and Abaddon discussing how to execute a captured marine commander.

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As short synopsis you witness Abby and his chosen, the Ezekarion, putting some loyalist through his last breaths..from the telling of what ADB promised to be the main char on his next books

These shorts are, well, short...it's not solo much fluff, more glimpses and a couple of names. And ADB's usual badass style with words.

Loved "It's been nine years since I last tried to kill him. It's been seven years since he last tried to kill me"

Two sentences which speak more of the inner structures and mindset of the chaos war bands than half the frigging codex..


And since ADB seems a nice chap around here, I shamelessly urge you to download a free reader and buy this for an €1.5. Certainly worth it. And the guy has a small kid ..nudge...nudge..:)

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