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master of deception + raptors

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I don't follow your line of reasoning. Jump units are listed under the unit types section on page 47 of the rule book. It also states that anything that behaves like a jump unit, follows the rules of jump units.


I suppose the confusing bit is in the codex raptors are listed as unit type of "jump infantry". By the rule book they are"jump units". But codex trumps rulebook.


I can see good arguments for both sides. I may jump back on the fence.


A big squad of infiltrating raptors with a Lord, or even warp talons, with huron sitting on a quad gun keeping "slay the warlord" safe.... sounds very exciting. But a little too good to be true.

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^^ Don't worry, I made the same mistake myself.


Jump infantry are classed as infantry for master of deception. If it were dis-allowed, it would specifically say it, like in the transport rules which bars jump infantry from embarking, even though they are infantry.

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But why waste it on a unit that can already deep strike and cover a lot of ground in the movement phase. Surely your basic troops trying to capture objectives and bring weapons into range would be better candidates?
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I've often thought about infiltrating raptors, just a shame I dont have any built. Infiltrating fast moving unit's is nice, as they can cover more ground. and 3 melta shots with a 12 inch move isn't too shabby.


When I run Huron I infiltrate things that are either effective, or a distraction. My list is designed around causing as much of a distraction to the enemy to let my 2 cultist units capture home objectives, though it does have mixed results :D


Also, while raptors can deep strike, there are things that reduce your reserve rolls or make deep striking difficult, not incuding sods law. Having a unit drop down in the 4th turn only to mishap isn't the best feeling in the world.

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I love Huron... always will. Raptors is a unit I under utilize and this might be a fun way of getting them involved, but instead I have been infiltrating a different unit, and then using a bike unit to turbo like crazy to reinforce them... thus leaving Raptors out of the list once again.


Typically I've gone with a nasty unit in a Landraider or something tricked out like Chosen or just a cult squad. Later on my Huron lists included multiple units that would work (in case of good or bad luck on the D3 roll) but finally (and this is what I would advise to everyone) is have two distinctly different types of units that you can use in this way. And not just a goto unit for infiltration. This way you can use the better squad depending on your opponent's army.


I've used giant tarpits, or eilte killers, or vehicle hunters depending on the opponent.


The worst part about Huron's special ability is the debate and misunderstanding of the ability and how it works (it is confusing).

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