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Thunderfire Cannons, Multiple Barrage, and You


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Hi B&C,


A Christmas request for advice from a fellow marine player: how do you work out where to distribute wounds caused by the Thunderfire Cannon?


To be clear, I understand how the Thunderfire Cannon works and the rules for multiple barrage, it's more the logistics of it than can be tricky. For example, as the shots have Barrage you need to check for wounds caused from the centre of the template outwards. On top of that, with 4 shots shots it can quickly get quite confusing! I've found that in games it can often take me longer than I would like to work out where the hits go and I'd like to speed this process up.


So, does anyone have any tips and tricks for how they manage this exercise in memory and dice rolling?



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You don't have to fire as a barrage, but the easiest thing to do is work out each blast as it happens. Leave a die next to a model to count wounds and then process them after all blasts have been done. Just the nature of the weapon and game, four plates are going to take a little time to process unless you miss lots :P

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a barrage weapon always fires as a barrage weapon, you cannot choose to ignore that rule at your whim.


here is how i handle it when i shoot a barrage weapon: i count the number of hits, roll to wound and have the opponent make saves and then remove any model in the unit touched by the blast markers. i think the barrage sniping thing is silly, characters and special wepon dudes only go when they are all that is left.

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If you have a CD/DVD spindle case, you can get down the clear top cover to use as an elevated large blast template.  its approximately the right size, and tall enough (from like a 100 disc pack) to stand over most models.  You might have trouble with land Raiders and other large vehicles, but for infantry, it'll be easier to leave in place for the primary.


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