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Cult marines vs marked CSM

Lord Morgrim

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For nurgle, Plague > MoN CSMs.  The increased durability offsets the increased price well enough, and the poison, fearless, and smaller unit size while still taking two special weapons makes plagues the better deal.


For other alignments, MoK CSMs > Berzerkers.  Zerker fearlessness, furious charge, and weapon skill doesn't make up for the lost bolters & special weapons, let alone the increased price.


There's arguments to be made both way for Slaanesh - fearless & doom sirens vs. cheaper and special weapons.  Noise marines with blasters or blastmasters are sort of a different, non-comparable sort of deal.


Tzeentch is extra hard for me to say.  MoT is just sorta terrible on CSMs.  But thousand sons are super narrow and way overpriced.  Neither is good, but I would tend to take sons over marked CSM.  I guess?

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For nurgle, Plague > MoN CSMs. The increased durability offsets the increased price well enough, and the poison, fearless, and smaller unit size while still taking two special weapons makes plagues the better deal.


For other alignments, MoK CSMs > Berzerkers. Zerker fearlessness, furious charge, and weapon skill doesn't make up for the lost bolters & special weapons, let alone the increased price.


There's arguments to be made both way for Slaanesh - fearless & doom sirens vs. cheaper and special weapons. Noise marines with blasters or blastmasters are sort of a different, non-comparable sort of deal.


Tzeentch is extra hard for me to say. MoT is just sorta terrible on CSMs. But thousand sons are super narrow and way overpriced. Neither is good, but I would tend to take sons over marked CSM. I guess?

So many things to disagree with here. Many threads have done the math and berserkers end up on top in nearly everything! What other troops choice can take opponents elites?


I jus hope no budding chaos players read your post and took it as gospel.

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They're certainly free to run high points cost, marine durability, infantry speed melee specialists without access to assault transports except the chaos land raider of all things. If it works for them, so be it, but I don't give a lot of credit to mathematical analyses of close combat performance that never bother to ask how the unit in question is supposed to get there in the first place.
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Berzerkers, Thousand Sons < CSM < Noise Marines, Plague Marines


Thats what I would say. Hands down.


Only one thats 50/50 is the zerkers the pros and cons are almost equal so it depends on how many points you hand available. For smaller games (<1850) yea CSM w/ MoK for larger games (>2000) zerkers.


Noise Marines I'd say depends on the build. If you take a 5 man squad with Blastmaster you're only looking at less than 150pts. While a 10 man squad of CSM w/ MoS and a Missile Launcher is more than 150pts. Also the assault combo is nice with the Doom Siren. 


I would say depends on which faction you want to go with. Considering CSM is not like Daemons while you can go with multiple factions its not wise unless your playing apoc

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