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Hail, and Well Met!


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A little late posting this but didn't see it before now. My first army was Tau and now that I have about 3250, i'm starting a Raven Guard army. I have always loved the Raven Guard fluff and their looks and their tactics provide a good mix of changing things up from Tau while remaining the same. From what I have seen of this community I am gonna like it here and you all seem like good people. I'm looking forward to being here and serving the Emperor.


Ave Imperator!

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From what I have seen of this community I am gonna like it here and you all seem like good people. 


I'm most glad we give off that impression, brother. Welcome to you and please do enjoy your time here - just ask us anything you need to know the answer to (someone is bound to know the answer) and check up on the rules of B&C; a quick skim can save you some hassle later on. ;)

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