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Noise Marine Kill Team


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Kill team came out today and I want my first foray into these battles to be with my Noise Marines!


Trying to make something fluffy so I want to bring 6 Slaaneshi Devotees. This is what I have brain-stormed so far (obviously the options listed were purchased in addition):


Noise Champion

-Doom Siren

-2x Lightning Claws


Noise Marine

-Blast Master



4x Noise Marines



I might be able to get a game of this in today but I am also interested in what lists other Devout Chaos Followers may come up with.

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I really liked the look of weapon specialist for the blastmaster NM to have mastercrafted. So long as I understand it, if I do not Hit with the scatter die I can reroll. However, I am thinking of switching that guy to an indomitable specialist for the relentless rule. Being able to move and shoot the single frequency will be very welcome.

As for the champ, I did change up my list after dropping those LC's. Thankfully I did so because I only got into CC once.

My list for two games today was:

Noise Champ

-Doom Siren

Noise Marine

-Blaster Master

*Weapon Specialist w/ Master Crafted

4x Noise Marine

*Dirty Fighter w/ Fleshbane

*Guerrilla w/ Move Through Cover

(I got no use out of these bonuses in my games)



First game was Secure the High Ground.

Basically king of the hill vs my friends Marines. He had brought a 5 man Tactical squad with a heavy bolter and a 5 Man sternguard squad. This game had our two armies moving up the hill to take the objective with a lot of fire being exchanged, especially from his boys. I killed his HB Marine with my Blastmaster giving me first blood and my poor NM got shot up the next turn in retaliation. THAT is a severe blow to my forces. He went on a shooting rampage with vengeance rounds, aka Jerk Bullets, plus loads of fire from his marines who closed distance to use rapid fire. At the end he had two guys on the hill, killed my leader, and killed half of my kill team.

Loss: 1-4

Second game was Head Hunt

He dropped the tacticals and played a bigger sternguard squad toting a plasma cannon and a grav-gun( super-level jerk weapon. censored.gifing thing hurts!). Blastmaster does it again and bags me first blood. Longer range and its sheer awesomeness makes him a priority target for reprisal and next turn that NM eats another vengeance round from a daring sternguard. Lovely. He closes with my team and we both shoot each other to pieces. Best move was my leader closing in and using the doom siren to kill a sternguard and his leader. Moments later I break his team first but they recover no problemo. Then he systematically shoots me to pieces.

I had gotten first blood, killed his leader first, killed a specialist, and killed over half of his kill team. He killed my leader, killed all 3 specialists, killed my army (all I had left was a rhino).

Loss: 6-7

*His leader had a specialist skill from his roll on the warlord trait. I don't think that counts as killing a specialist. if it were the case then a draw.

All in all, very enjoyable.

I am considering dropping the rhino and adding in 2 more Noise Marines. Maybe even drop the doom siren and get another. These guys are fearless and do not break but it does suck being outgunned. I will also have to pore over the specialist section and think of more fitting bonuses to take.

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Nice one for the mini batreps.


More bodies would definitely help I reckon and Relentless on a Heavy weapon is just too naughty to say no to.


Have you tried a couple of Sonic Blasters and a couple for Close Combat?


Specilist wise, I'm tempted to try things like Hatred and Prefered Enemy.

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I would be wary of the blastmaster as it will be shooting a template at a single 25m base model. How did it work for you?


I would think a relentless sonic blaster would be much more useful, 3 shots all the time is nice.


Your leader with doom siren in essentially unchargeable the D3 S5AP3 hits will likely kill anything on contact, especially with no 2+ saves allowed. 

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Nice one for the mini batreps.


More bodies would definitely help I reckon and Relentless on a Heavy weapon is just too naughty to say no to.


Have you tried a couple of Sonic Blasters and a couple for Close Combat?


Specilist wise, I'm tempted to try things like Hatred and Prefered Enemy.

I forgot to jot down that each NM had a CCW, even the blastmaster because its always good to be prepaired. However, my games were more like shoot outs. Only one of my marines closed for CC and killed his foe with the grace and poise expected of him. He was shot to heck for his trouble by the surviving loyalists to witness his prowess.


Sonic blasters are a weapon I am considering as well as maybe arming the champ with a combi-weapon.


For specialists I am starting to like the weapon's specialist's rending. I also think I will try the blastmaster or a sonic blaster with relentless.


I would be wary of the blastmaster as it will be shooting a template at a single 25m base model. How did it work for you?


I would think a relentless sonic blaster would be much more useful, 3 shots all the time is nice.


Your leader with doom siren in essentially unchargeable the D3 S5AP3 hits will likely kill anything on contact, especially with no 2+ saves allowed. 

I merely like the psychological threat of my blastmaster. He is a threat that ignores cover, is ap3, and usually has twice the strength than his targets. Plus, his range ensures his dissonance is heard far and wide. Plus, with master crafted, what he shot at usually got hit with blissful sound with no worries or a chance for survival.


He did become an immediate target though and losing him hurt big time. Nearly 50 points gone in the blink of an eye is like a roshambo kick. As stated earlier, I am considering trying out the sonic blaster. I have yet to field that weapon so a few trial runs will be interesting.


As for the doom siren. It is nice! Just the range of it means you will be close to the enemy and with him being a leader he may be in for a lot of shooting. My poor bastard took only a rapid fire bolter with vengeance rounds to send him to slaanesh. So, I'm thinking I should be a lot more cautious with him and hold back so he can perform a coup de grace at the end.

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I know when Necromunda was around people would often split their gangs into groups optimized for different things. CC, Mid Range and Long Range. May be a way to look at Kill Team. Static Sonics covering the mid-long. Maybe try a cultist meat shield to get your leader and a couple to CC range?


Let us know how things go as it looks like a fun way to have quick games and a finished force.

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