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Taking raptors as troops? possibility?


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Hi guys,


I was wondering as I may ask for the Chaos codex as a last minute christmas prezzie, if it  gives you the option of taking chaos raptors as a troop choice at all? Pehaps through a special character? As I would love to make a raptor cult army, but don't know much about the new codex and it is quite costly so thought I would ask first before committing.


Thanks for any info 


Cheers guys

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As mentioned already ain't no way of taking raptor as troops as yet. Maybe if they release a night lords supplement we might see things move in that direction.

Noooo.... Must have Terror Squads in 40k...please.
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It's a shame because Chaos has so much scope and potential for both rules and minis. And it would sell too as there's loads of Chaos fans but the current rules do not promote sales across the range at all but discourage people from the army.


Someone has ha really messed up business plan.

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