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counts as heldrake models

Lord Kallozar

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As far as size, the stormraven would be closer.


If you are needing something for an Alpha legion, renegade marines or some other warband that would not have access to 10,000 years of warpforged madness, the FW heltalon is a good fit but I would take a Valkyrie, drop the weapons and add a heavy flamer turret under it some how.  I think the Stormtalon is too small and the Stormraven just screams "transport" which a drake can not do.


Anyway, just my own opinion.  Don't let me talk you out of something you want to do.

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This beast would be a great counts as but a tad expensive compared to the drake

The problem with that model is that the wings have to pass over the unit that it is using Meteoric Descent on. If you're going to counts-as, it would be in your best interest to find a model with similar dimensions.

I used a Stormtalon modified with Stormraven wings:


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Try and modify a Fantasy Dragon, Modify a Forgeworld Hell Blade, or use an Imperial Fighter.


I would suggest to figure sizes and stuff and if you need to fudge some room use some plasticard.

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