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forge worlds new drop pod offering


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And they have a sizecomparison with the regular droppod, just to make sure you know cheap conversions will be that much more difficult...


Very true - I'm glad others have also considered this possibility :lol:

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I think it's a great looking model, but 145P??!! That's like a thousand dollars!!


I would love to see Chaos get a drop pod of sorts. But I'm sure that horse was beat to death, beat a few more times, resurrected covered with vile, foul smelling pustules, and THEN beat again... Did I mention the model looks great??


End of Line

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I care little for the dollar price. If it's out ofmy price range, so be it, i'll convert or scratch build or otherwise substitute. My question is purely on the rules, and since those aren't posted yet, there's no reason to even contemplate it. For all we know, csms won't even be allowed to field it.
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£145 is $240 agreed not cheap but the Dreadclaw wasn't cheap either and this isn't a replacement for the Dreadclaw it's for 30k. I'm not even sure this will get a 40k stamp from FW, at Games Day it was shown clamped to the side of a ship in a boarding action, maybe Apoc/30k only? If I recall the GD diorama I'd say at least 20 model capacity it is a large impressive looking model I just doing see it making it to 40k. We all know GW don't want to give CSM a reliable delivery system ;)
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Don't get too hopeful. Conceptually, it's just a big dreadclaw, and the current dreadclaw rules are terrible:


- not a dedicated transport

- expensive

- no scatter mitigation


If this turns out to be what it looks like - just a bigger dreadclaw that stil eats a fast attack slot and pays even more points for the privilege of delivering even larger squads straight into the mishap table's hungry maw, then it just won't be worth bothering with.


The description about clearing landing zones with melta cutters is promising, maybe it will have mishap mitigation after all. But the dreadclaw has those same cutters in the fluff, and got no rules for them, so... we'll see.

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Only if the melta thingies actually do anything. Again, the dreadclaw had the same thingies and they didn't do anything.


And for the record, if it kills or pushes away enemy models it scatters onto, then that awould qualify as mishap mitigation to me.

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Only if the melta thingies actually do anything. Again, the dreadclaw had the same thingies and they didn't do anything.

Well, they've mentioned the melta-cutters repeatedly while discussing the Assault Claw. I'm going to be more optimistic than I probably should on this one.

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+1 for the drop pod with chaos spikey sprue in a box and sold at your local GW under the clever title 'chaos drop pod'


We would all buy it. Sad but true.


Hope GW is reading this...

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