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forge worlds new drop pod offering


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I have a feeling sooner or later GW will say "Who cares you can now use HH rules in regular games of 40k".

In a way, they already did. That's why there's the addendum in the Betrayal FAQ "These weren't designed for mainstream 40K, please give your opponent these concessions."

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Yeah but vehicles and units from HH armies are only usable by a Space Marines Legion army.


So while yu can certainly use them in 40k, you still can't use them in a CSM army.

Only for the ones that haven't received "40K" rules. For example, the Fire Raptor. It has rules for being used in a CSM army.
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Several 30k units got 40k rules.  Fire Raptor, Spartan, etc.  I expect the Charybdis will as well.  But I'm not yet convinced that they'll be any good, because the closest equivalent, the dreadclaw, wasn't any good. 

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yes. However, this new drop pod is aimed at space marines, not chaos space marines, so it will probably be good (cos marines get the best toys). Our version will probably come with daemonic possession instead of power of the machine spirit, just so you can't put an Important IC in there who gets eaten by the possessed giga drop pod

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Several 30k units got 40k rules.  Fire Raptor, Spartan, etc.  I expect the Charybdis will as well.  But I'm not yet convinced that they'll be any good, because the closest equivalent, the dreadclaw, wasn't any good.

But not all of them got CSM rules. I think. Did they? I've never heard of a Chaos Caestus Assault Ram.......
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The caestus was csm legal, at least in the trial rules. Not as good as the storm eagle, though. The charybdis may or may not get csm rules, but given that it's basically replacing the dreadclaw, I'd be surprised if it didn't.
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The caestus was csm legal, at least in the trial rules. Not as good as the storm eagle, though. The charybdis may or may not get csm rules, but given that it's basically replacing the dreadclaw, I'd be surprised if it didn't.

Ah okay. I'd never heard anyone doing it so I wasn't sure if it had happened or not.
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You know what would be fun, if and when they redo the Dreadclaw rules, that it can embark a CSM unit of 10 of 10 of course, but instead of just a Dreadnought, a walker with 3HP max...


Oh look!, a Forgefiend with 3 Ectoplasma cannons in the back of your army!..., that would be evil...

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Actually, I'd rather it were restricted to the dread.  For one, the fiends don't look like they could fit in a drop pod/dread claw.  They're too big.  For another, the fiends are kind of ok already.  Not good, but not lousy.  But the dread is just... garbage right now.  It really needs some love, and in particular something to set it apart from our other AV12 walkers, of which we have far, far too many.  Something besides it's force org slot, anyway, and a drop pod deployment option would be just the ticket, imo.


As for the Kharybdis, if you look at some of the comparison pics, it's pretty huge.  Like, compared to the rhino in particular it looks massive.  Is it possible that it's meant as not just a 'bigger' dreadclaw, but as a 'super-heavy' dreadclaw?  Is it going to be a lord of war, perhaps?

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I have a feeling sooner or later GW will say "Who cares you can now use HH rules in regular games of 40k".

Nope. Every single unit as a $10 dataslate. That's much more likely. Same rules with the 40k logo.


*edit* wow there was a lot more thread I missed. OT : I feel like the new pod could carry a Dino bot. Would even be that game breaking in terms if physics. I'd love a drop pod mauler fiend.

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The caestus was csm legal, at least in the trial rules. Not as good as the storm eagle, though. The charybdis may or may not get csm rules, but given that it's basically replacing the dreadclaw, I'd be surprised if it didn't.

Ah okay. I'd never heard anyone doing it so I wasn't sure if it had happened or not.

Well, it's very hard to make a Chaos-ized Space Marine vehicle and make it look good (i.e. not just a Space Marine vehicle with spiky bits on it).

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