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Blight grenades question


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A christmas eve quickie!


Do blight grenades on characters give their benefits to the whole unit? So a nurgle termie lord with blight grenades joined to a unit of nurgle terminators... does the enemy get its charge bonus?

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iirc as long as the character is part of the charged unit they will get the bonuses of the blight grenades due to his being part of the assault. i'm pretty sure that's how it works but i have had a few beverages, but i'm fairly sure thats the case. same as fearless confers to the unit in this edition etc. 

ooohhh actually i'd say yes. C:dark eldar has a piece of wargear called the phantasm launcher, gives the bearer offensive and defensive grenades, which confers to the unit. i'm fairly sure that if an archon takes it she confers it to the unit of kabalite warriors if they don't have it but it says this specifically in the codex itself. however, this was a 5th ed dex and some rules and abilities are 5th ed specific and are now detrimental to them in 6th ed. i think the jist is as long as a character has it the unit benefits, much in the same way as Fearless on a chaos lord confers to a unit that doesn't have it. 

hope this makes sense and helps. sorry for using a filthy (but fun) xeno race as an example. their's was the most readily available example i could think of when reading this. 

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Merry christmas friend - get another bevvy down ya for thay reply.

Supose that makes blight grenades worth it then aye?

don't worry, i've had many on this festive day lol msn-wink.gif

i'd say definitely go with blight grenades although depends on circumstance. they are offense and defense grenades. although the character has frags and kraks anyway, in termie armour they lose them so the blights can help mitigate this, as well as anyone who charges them losing their charge bonus. i think its worth the few points you pay to put your enemy at a disadvantage, even if its by one less attack.

merry christmas.

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The thing is that is say "models" with assault gernades do not suffer a penalty ti Init when charging through terrain, as per the gernade rule on pg 61. This means to me that the lord even as a termie swings at Inti but sadly the other termies in tow do not :( They all do benifit from the stealth USR if shot within 8" though as well as the no +1 attack when charged. I still always bring em when i run a nurgle lord or sorc in any fashion.

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