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cypher's out


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Haven't had much time to read it. Highlights:


Everyone and their mom can field him


Can't be your warlord, doesn't take an hq slot.


Lowers your warlords ld


No inv, has EW


Kinda pricy at near 200pts


splits melee and ranged atacks bt bolt and plasma pistols




Infiltrate, shouded, hit and run, atsknf


Can be taken on his own or as part of a csm dataslate formation w 1-3 chosen units, which lose marks, vets, and transports, but gain infiltrate and atsknf


Formations are outside pf detachments, so no, theyaren't scoring w/ abby or black legion frpm what I can tell


Lots of fluff I havn't read


Several scenarios

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Here is my steroid and cypher-fuelled start to my new list:

Hq: cypher

Huron (warlord)



Troops: 10 chosen, 5 plasma guns, mos, icon of excess

10 chosen, 5 melta guns, mos, icon of excess

10 chose, 5 plasma guns, mos, icon of excess


1,505 points of pure awesome.

Cypher's squad, in particular, will have a load of lulz such as hit and run, shrouded, 12! Plasma gun shots at 12 inches, an insane overwatch thanks to the man himself and cc goodness.

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You can do that, but to have huron be your warlord, abby would have to be in your allied detachment. The big guy has to be your warlord if he's in the primary.


Anyway, cypher's mostly striking me as a worse huron, in that huron mostly does the infiltrate thing already, but cheaper, and actually has a ++ save?


Still, some pretty cool abilities and options, there. He's certainly no Be'lakor, though.

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I'm sorry I can't look at this from any kind of competitive stand point. Cypher ' rules look too fun and flavorful to not play every once in a while. I am definitely going to start looking into making him and some fallen when I get back home.
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Is there new background on Cypher? It really good to see Cypher return to the 40k world & I'm looking forward to useing him in my Iron Warriors force, along with a unit of Fallen Angels I'm going to be converted up later today biggrin.png


It's got both the best of the old stuff (his meeting with Abaddon during the 13th black crusade) and new background, which is wonderful. Has a bunch of new timeline incidents to show what he's been doing for the past 10000 years (with plenty of ambiguity about what he is doing. He's both sabotaged and saved imperial units, including Dark Angel ones. (interestingly, both the timeline and stories get to post-13th Black Crusade)

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Is there new background on Cypher? It really good to see Cypher return to the 40k world & I'm looking forward to useing him in my Iron Warriors force, along with a unit of Fallen Angels I'm going to be converted up later today biggrin.png


It's got both the best of the old stuff (his meeting with Abaddon during the 13th black crusade) and new background, which is wonderful. Has a bunch of new timeline incidents to show what he's been doing for the past 10000 years (with plenty of ambiguity about what he is doing. He's both sabotaged and saved imperial units, including Dark Angel ones. (interestingly, both the timeline and stories get to post-13th Black Crusade)
Interesting about the post 13th crusade stuff. I thought the current fluff is now set before the 13th crusade (BRB)
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Interesting about the post 13th crusade stuff. I thought the current fluff is now set before the 13th crusade (BRB)


Current is how I read it:



999.M41 The Voice Silenced

Although Cypher seems to be supporting the 13th Black Crusade, this is perhaps only a pretence. Certainly there have been uprisings in the Agripinaa Sector and even upon Piscina IV, however this has had a polarising effect. It has done as much to rally the faithful as it has stirred rebellion. Cypher has a minor conflict with Abaddon, and their alliance of convenience is brought to an end. The Dark Angels trace the source of the comms-signals to a broadcasting device in deep space. Although difficult to measure with precision, it is estimated that its location amidst the dust-ridden clouds of debris would approximate where their home world of Caliban once was. The beacon is swiftly and unceremoniously destroyed.


That is from the last bit of information in the timeline section of the book. To me, it looks like it supports the currency of the 13th Black Crusade and jives with the long-standing "two minutes to midnight" theme of the 40k setting.

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Guessing they had a bucket load of metal Cypher to get rid off asap with how overpowered he looks on paper. Almost rivaling a 30k Primarch for half the cost and no FOC cost.
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Guessing they had a bucket load of metal Cypher to get rid off asap with how overpowered he looks on paper. Almost rivaling a 30k Primarch for half the cost and no FOC cost.




Not the impression I got at all.  He's super fragile while being rather pricey, and in his formation he likes to hang out with super fragile yet likewise pricey squads.  He's cool and fluffy, in a runny, gunny sort of way, but hardly overpowered.  I'm not yet convinced that he's even all that good.

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Gotta agree that he doesn't seem all that great. Gw could have made him well killy if they wanted to shift models (to be honest I'd prefer a finecast model as I wanna convert him).


Heaven forbid you have a lone daemon prince as your warlord. He'd be ld8 with cypher around...

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Ithink he is definetly killy. But its rather easy to get him in the open, considering his range is rather short. And in the open he dies. Fast.


He also nerfs your Warlord, which better isnt a psyker, nor can he be your warlord, meaning you NEED an additional HQ, which ups his cost.


I think he is fluffy and would be a blast to play, but keep him for casual games where you can play the Cypher missions provided with the eBook, and you will have a lot of fun while doing. Doubt he is suited for tournament play.

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