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Hello everyone... smile.png

I am a Blood Angels player(I have about 1500 points so far) and a huge fan of Sanguinius (hence the name).

I have been on the site for a couple of weeks and have enjoyed looking at and commenting on some of the many forums. I just discovered this and thought I should say HEY!! I hope didn't breach decorum by not coming here first.

So far my favorite section is the Liber. I have been thinking for a long time about creating my own Chapter as allies to my Blood Angels and have found a wealth of information on the subject. I hope to be posting some ideas for review soon.

Anyway... thanks to everyone who is involved with this site for making it something cool for a 40k fan like me to enjoy.



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Skall, my bloody red brother.

Welcome to the b&c comunity.


Maybe you could create your own chapter that uses rules from another astartescodex (like Dark angels, Black templars, "standtard" space marines or space wolves for exemple) and paint em up as blood angels anyway, telling they are a special division of sanguines chapter.

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For Sanguinius and The Emperor!!  I think that I am going to try to tie the new marines in somehow as having assisted the illustrious IX Legion in one of their many campaigns against the enemies of the Imperium. But I have yet to decide which faction I want to use under the new rules. Although I am a fan of the Sons of Dorn.

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Ha! What happened is that he throttled a Bloodthirster with his bare hands. Then, even though he had not recovered from his wounds, he fought with his sons to defend the gates of the Imperial Palace. He then teleported onto a daemon infested battlebarge where he fought through hordes of foul warpspawn (mainly alone) to confront his closest brother. After rejecting the offers of a weak-minded, cowardly, traitor he still entered into single combat with his backstabbing brother (who had done no fighting whatsoever) and was  cut down by the whiney, sniveling little boy, who had an authority complex. Does that some it up?

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