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Bearer of the Word


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Good Evening All,


Just wanted to drop a quick hello to all you B&C members out there!


I used play W40K back as a young lad then I fell out of the hobby during my late teens because "it was not cool"; however I feel I might have... uhm... fallen back into the hobby (now in my mid-twenties) this is due to the fact I've realised I don't care about being "cool" any more.


I'm thinking about taking up the Word Bearers as my W40K army; although from what I've been reading here and elsewhere CSM is in a pretty dark place in 6th (if you'll excuse the pun).


I live in the Manchester area in the United Kingdom, I enjoy red wine, reading, long walks alo.... wait... wrong website.


That's enough about me, lets talk toy soldiers and war games!

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Welcome back to the hobby, traitor.

I used to play csm before i started playing spacewolves(may i am the greater traitor?) anyway... Just take the fluff of the goid old days we remember our mid-teenage years and build your WB like you enjoy em. (may you find your way of makeing em playable the same time) (if they should realy not fit the actual rules enought and you dont find a solution... Search for players, who would play older versions of 40k with you..[4th edition for exemple])

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