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Kill Team Questions


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1: Brotherhood of Psykers and Psychic Solitude


In Kill Team, there is the Psychic Solitude rule;


Psychic Solitude: The Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers special rule has no effect in games of Kill Team.


How does a unit of Grey Knights (or other BoP unit) generate Warp Charges in Kill Team?




A unit with this special rule counts as a Mastery Level I Psyker.


Warp Charge (Page 66)


Each Mastery Level grants a Psyker a single Warp Charge point per turn.


If BoP has no effect, then the Grey Kngihts have no PML, and can't generate any Warp Charges?


2: Non FoC slot units


You select your units for Kill Team following;


chosen from a single codex or codex supplement, and adhering to the Kill Team Force Organisation Chart


The FoC for Kill Team is 0-2 Troops, 0-1 Elites, 0-1 Fast.


Can you take units (like Cypher) that don't take a FoC slot?


While Cypher is listed as a HQ unit, Cyphers rules are;


Cypher does not take up any slots from the detachment’s Force Organisation chart.


Can he (or a similar unit) be used in Kill Team?

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I have asked the same question about BoP. The new rules tell us BoP does nothing, which makes no sense. BoP works fine as worded in kill team, in a normal game we can have a squad end up as a single model and I don't remember the game breaking. All we have to remember is what a "unit" is in Kill Team.


We have frankly just ignored the psykic solitude rule because it made no sense from the beginning. Otherwise we had expensive marines that couldn't us a majority of their rules.

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Well, oddly enough, per pg. 68 of the BRB, in lieu of a Mastery Level, the number of warp charges a model gas access to is equal to the number if powers the model may use in a turn. With BoP missing yet 2 powers still present on the model, one could argue that without BoP, units like Purifiers and Interceptors become Mastery Level 2 Psykers due to having Hammerhand and one other power. The removal of BoP opens more problems than its inclusion would have.


If they had left BoP in place and simply ruled that a BoP had only 1 warp charge per turn to be shared by all models in the unit, there would be not balance issue. However, we now have a legitimate argument that a BoP unit could cast Hammerhand and still have a point left over for activating Force weapons on a model per model basis.



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Ah! Page 66. ;)



Psykers are assumed to be Mastery Level 1 unless it states otherwise in their codex entry.


As the BoP rule is to be ignored, the PML isn't stated in the Codex.


You could argue that without BoP, the unit isn't a Psyker, but that's flimsy and douchy, as the unit has Psychic Powers...

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The real problem lies with Pink Horrors and how a 20 daemon unit of them used to be able unload 40d6 S5 AP4 shots in KT for under 200 points. That was game breaking.


The way I see it, is that if it has no effect then the unit doesn't have a ML, therefore the models can't use powers. Otherwise Horrors own KT.

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The real problem lies with Pink Horrors and how a 20 daemon unit of them used to be able unload 40d6 S5 AP4 shots in KT for under 200 points. That was game breaking.


The way I see it, is that if it has no effect then the unit doesn't have a ML, therefore the models can't use powers. Otherwise Horrors own KT.

As much as I would love my horrors to dominate Kill team games, I have to agree with this interpretation (which sadly means my horrors are completely useless in kill team)

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No changes what so ever needs to be made to BoP rule. It works just fine as is. It's not OP nor does it break the game. Someone will have to do some explaining to show me how it does.


Nusquam, explain to me where you are get this 40d6 shot from? I'm not seeing it. Or any one for that matter.

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It's their power, flickering fire. THe unit is a BoP that can shoot 2d6 shots per turn, if every horror became a psyker then each model would fire 2d6 shots, you can have 20 for under 200 points. That means 20x2d6 = 40d6 shots.

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At BS 3 and normal saves allowed...and an activation roll needed for the power to go off and a Deny roll to boot? Each shot can only hit one model with no spill over? Get some dice out and just start rolling...it's not as bad as it seems.


Like I said, dangerous but other units can be just as dangerous.

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