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Heldrake or Maulerfiend and Raptors?


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Good morning/afternoon fellow lords of chaos! I beseech you with a question.


The gods have gifted me with a sum of funds with which I will use to bolster my forces but I seek the enlightened advice of my peers/soon to be slaves. I have the funds for either a heldrake or a maulerfiend and a squad of raptors.


My force currently consists of: 5 terminators, sorcerer, lord, daemon Prince, 20 noise marines, 3 spawn, 2 contemptor's, a maulerfiend and a helbrute.


I like the idea of 2 maulerfiend's with support from spawn and melta toting traitors but I have heard much about the effectiveness of the heldrake.


What would you recommend?

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Speaking as a Loyalist player, playing vs Chaos I would fear the Helldrake more than a second hellbrute, especially if you equip it with a baleflamer.


Good luck whatever you get, you filthy heretic ;)

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2 maulerfiends are more effective than 1, 1 just being a bullet magnet. However the Helldrake with a Baleflamer is by far the best of those options, it's a complete no brainer really. There are some armies where a Maulerfiend can fair better (if you can get it into combat against Mech armies like IG then it will ruin their army faster than a Helldrake IMO) but the Helldrake is the most effective against the most opponents.


Proxy each option for one game if you're not entirely sure. You'll know immediately what suits you best. The only thing against the Helldrake is that it can at times make you feel a little dirty inside (oh you have all infantry Space Marines.... oh well, the Helldrake alone will take a unit out a turn).

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I agree with the Heldrake as the best option. While I can see a second Maulerfiend being helpful, the drake is a beast and will strike more fear into the hearts of the enemy.

Plus I'm not a fan of the Raptors entry in the codex, but the kits is great for conversions!! :P


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