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Noise Marine Squads - Repository; Your Input Is Requested!


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Welcome Legionnaires of Excess!


I've just returned the the hobby, and was going to roll with Word Bearers, but I'm really digging Slaanesh right now so decided instead to make a Slaanesh themed force of Noise Marines / Slaanesh daemons instead; the temptation was too strong!


Now, I've been scouring these forums and looking at the various posts suggested by members here but what I haven't found is a comprehensive guide to the most efficient method of equipping your noise marine squads, that's both 10 and 5 man squads.


It's my hope that if everyone spends a few minutes contributing a little to this thread we may build a little repository of information for both new players and veterans alike.


I've put some key questions below to get you started, if you wish to take it one step further and add your own bits in please do!

  1. In what circumstances would you take a 5 and/or 10 man squad and what are your reasons for taking each?
  2. Bolters appear to be the weapon of choice for standard Noise Marines, when would you recommend taking Sonic Blaster and why?
  3. How do you equip your Chaos Champions? Bolter? Bolt Pistol / CCW? And, why do you equip them like that?
  4. Do you ever take transports for your Noise Marines? Please explain.
  5. In what situations do you find that your Noise Marines tend fall into in the majority of your games? Objective holders? Line pushers? Backfield sitters etc.
  6. Blastmasters - is it your heavy weapon of choice? If so why?
  7. Please provide an example of your Noise Marine Squads and how you equip them.


Kindest Regards,



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Thanks for that Bonzi - I've read through your thread and found it very informative.


However, I intended this thread to be more specific to everyone's particular preferences for their noise marine squads. A more concise repository so to speak. But, thank you for your input none the less.

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