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Black Legion Escalated


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First of all, I actually like the idea of the Escalation supplement - this thread is not to discuss these rules please.


What I would like from my fellow Chaos devotees however is your opinions and advice on this...


I have an ever growing Black Legion force, and with the new Escalation rules I have been drooling over the big tanks that the Imperial Guard can take. I don't want to start a Guard army and I really like my Chaos army (yeah, weird I know !). My idea is to "counts as" my cultists in the guise of a couple of veteran squads, a chaos lord as a Commisar and then take a superheavy tank. I can then ally in my Black Legion to ensure it behaves and looks like a proper chaos army.


First of all, what do you think as a fun army?


Second which superheavy tank would you choose, and why?


I only play for the love of the game by the way, and I'm not a power gamer. Your opinions would be very welcome





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It sounds like a great idea apart from using a Chaos Lord as a Commissar Lord - statlines are a bit too different. Assuming you're using the Dark Vengeance models, how about using the cultist with the Commissar cloak as a Commissar Lord? That's a nice and simple counts-as.


If you're unsure of what superheavy to use, maybe magnetize the plastic Baneblade kit? After all, you'd have 8 different superheavies to choose from that way.

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Some good ideas so soon ! Thanks guys.


I originally thought of penal legion but looking at the guard codex i don't think i can take them without a command squad and I don't want to buy any guard models. I should have made my original post clearer really, i will use codex: imperial guard as my primary detachment and ally in codex: chaos space marines. I will use my existing black legion models though. Sorry for any confusion. My plan is to keep the IG component as cheap as possible to leave points for the superheavy and CSM allies.


I want to get the baneblade kit (love the model) and paint it up as black legion. I like the look of all the variants so any advice on which one you would choose would be useful to help me decide. I'm quite handy with the magnets but will probably build either the baneblade chasis or the shadowsword chasis. All it takes then is a quick change of the main gun barrel. I am tending to lean more towards the Baneblade at the moment for the sheer firepower.


Rev, I completely forgot about the dark vengeance ex-commisar ! Thanks for that, perfect solution.


Thanks again guys


By the way Jeske, i agree, the warhound is awesome. I've used my loyalist warhound in apocalypse games and it dominated the game. Heheheh ! At some point I do intend getting a Chaos variant.



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By the way Jeske, i agree, the warhound is awesome. I've used my

loyalist warhound in apocalypse games and it dominated the game. Heheheh

! At some point I do intend getting a Chaos variant.

Now I will probably get yelled on for this but .

You don't need to get a new warhound . It is realy not that hard to cast some shin protectors of your own paint those chaos and magnetize them . Other stuff can be done too . A semi circle with spikes can be added[spikes=chaos] , of course magnetised too . When in imperial mode you can put two big purity seals or whole banners hanging where you normaly keep the magnets for the "spike half wheel".

It is kind of a cheaper then buying 2 warhounds and the effect is just as good.

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I think I'd be more interested in personally investing in Escalation if I could say, buy a Primarch and bring him with my CSMs (Angron.  Always, always Angron).  I've played one game against a guy using a baneblade and I was kinda unimpressed with the baneblade.


We had a 2000 point game, so I had 9 Crisis teams along with Farsight and a few bodyguards.  I killed it in one round of shooting with Farsight's 2x Melta Drop squad and was a small matter of plasma and missile podding the rest of the army back to his case.

Your world will Burn until it's surface is but Glass, and not even your Daemon will crawl blackened from it's hole.


God damn I love my Tau.

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I cannot get to my IG codex at the moment, but I am sure that you do not need a command sqd to take penal legion or veterans, just an HQ.


So, for your HQ you could take the cultist commisar as a Commisar Lord, or, with a bit of work on him, as a 'counts as' Straken.


Cultists can fill the penal/vet traitor guard slots but may need some conversion?

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Yeah no platoon command squad for penal legion or veteran squads. Penal legion squads are flavourful but lack any meaningful rukes imo so im hoping they get some attention in the rumoured IG dex!


Commisar lords are awesome. In blob IG squads (jus multiple 10 man squads combined) the sergeant takes the challange while that commisar is hammering things with his power fist. They wont run either because of stubborn.


Autogun = lasgun stats wise so for a lot of cultists there no conversion needed. IG sergeants always have to take ccw & pistol currently, so the ccw cultists makes wysiwyg sergeants. Im a sucker for each model looking individual tho so I could only use about 12 of the dark vengeance cultists before kitbashing them with catachan, cadians n marauders etc. Not ideal whe you need 100+ infantry grunts...

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